The Injustice of the Left's Fury Against Barr

May 09, 2019

Good morning from Washington, where the left tries to make Attorney General William Barr the fall guy because the special counsel came up short on Trump-Russia collusion. Fred Lucas reports on House Democrats' impeachment chatter and Victor Davis Hanson comments on the hullabaloo. Senate Republicans join Democrats to breathe new life into an 85-year-old federal bank, Rachel del Guidice writes. Plus: Michelle Malkin on the left's silence about actual injustice at the border, and Star Parker on the tyranny encouraged by liberals' Equality Act.

The besmirching of the attorney general's conduct is surreal. He certainly has not done anything even remotely approximating the conduct of former President Obama's two attorneys general.
Trump's efforts to close the loopholes that aid and abet this transnational illegal immigrant kiddie smuggling racket have been condemned as heartless. But what's truly inhumane is those who use children as pawns in their pursuit of open borders.
After redacting some grand jury material, Barr made 92% of the Mueller report available to the public, and about 98% to members of Congress.
"There are over 3,000 kids every day being killed in America, and I don't see people grieving," says Gianna Jessen.
"The Export-Import Bank is corporate welfare, giving taxpayer subsidies to some of the largest, most politically connected companies in the U.S. and around the world," says Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa.
Under the guise of civil rights, our public schools will be forced to teach this sexual nihilism as truth, and teaching the traditional values that have held the American family together will become an actionable offense.

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