House Democrats Ready Vote to Undercut Health Care Innovation

May 07, 2019

Good morning from Washington, where House Democrats are about to make a big mistake by voting to choke off new choices in health care. Marie Fishpaw explains. Trump wants Obama's last Border Patrol chief to round up illegal immigrants. Fred Lucas fills in some blanks. The roaring economy lifts our poorest countrymen, Adam Michel writes. Plus: Bruce Klingner on North Korea's missile launch, Riley Walters on the U.S.-China trade standoff, Cully Stimson on bringing WikiLeaks' ringleader to justice, and Tom Jipping on the crying need for federal judges.

The bill would undo the Trump administration's regulatory relief efforts designed to allow more innovative health care solutions, which provided a small escape hatch from Obamacare's one-size-fits-all solution.
In the past year, wage growth was 6.6% for the 10th percentile of workers with the lowest incomes. That's double the 3.3% growth rate for workers at the top of the income distribution.
As ICE director, Morgan could have influence in making a case to Congress about closing loopholes that force the catch-and-release process for illegal immigrants.
According to the Justice Department, the WikiLeaks founder was involved in "one of the largest compromises of classified information in the history of the United States."
The taxes on Chinese imports are paid by American importers. Several studies show that these tariffs aren't negatively impacting Chinese producers the way the Trump administration thinks they are.
The missile launch is a violation of United Nations resolutions, which prohibit any North Korean military activity using ballistic missile technology.
Vacancies are actually 25% higher than when Trump took office, and the percentage of those vacancies designated as "judicial emergencies" is nearly at an all-time high.
"To remove from the table only the kind of therapy that would help a person walk away from homosexuality, how is that equal? How is that fair?" asks Ken Williams, who is now married with children.

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