Morning Jolt: If the House Wants to Impeach Trump, They Have to Face Nancy Pelosi First

It's only Tuesday, and it feels like a full week already. The biggest obstacle to the U.S. House of Representatives impeaching President Trump is Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and she's refusing to budge; the Russians cooked up even more ambitious plans to stir up racial hostility in the United States; and another account from an Obama administration official that suggests Jim Comey exaggerates and stretches the truth when he wants to make himself look good.

The Rampart Blocking the Impeachment of Trump Is . . . Nancy Pelosi?

At this rate, Nancy Pelosi is going to regret winning the House of Representatives in 2018:

Reps. David Cicilline of Rhode Island, Jamie Raskin of Maryland and Joe Neguse of Colorado — ...

May 21 2019


If the House Wants to Impeach Trump, They Have to Face Nancy Pelosi First

Jim Geraghty

It's only Tuesday, and it feels like a full week already. The biggest obstacle to the U.S. House of Representatives impeaching President Trump is Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and she's refusing to budge; the Russians cooked up even more ambitious plans to stir up racial hostility in the United States; and another account from an Obama administration official that suggests Jim Comey exaggerates and stretches the truth when he wants to make himself look good.

The Rampart Blocking the Impeachment of Trump Is . . . Nancy Pelosi?

At this rate, Nancy Pelosi is going to regret winning the House of Representatives in 2018:

Reps. David Cicilline of Rhode Island, Jamie Raskin of Maryland and Joe Neguse of Colorado — ... Read More


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