Morning Jolt: Climbing Mount Everest Is Overrated

Making the click-through worthwhile: What it means when there are lines of hundreds of people at the top of Mount Everest, how both Trump and his fiercest critics throw around the word "treason" casually and carelessly, a beautiful love story about a president and a little-noticed underdog cable-news network, and a bit of news about the book.

No, Really, You Don't Have to Climb Mount Everest

Can you imagine standing on line behind "a couple hundred people" near the peak of Mount Everest? I get irritated when there's a handful of people in front of me at Starbucks.

If ...

May 28 2019


Climbing Mount Everest Is Overrated

Jim Geraghty

Making the click-through worthwhile: What it means when there are lines of hundreds of people at the top of Mount Everest, how both Trump and his fiercest critics throw around the word "treason" casually and carelessly, a beautiful love story about a president and a little-noticed underdog cable-news network, and a bit of news about the book.

No, Really, You Don't Have to Climb Mount Everest

Can you imagine standing on line behind "a couple hundred people" near the peak of Mount Everest? I get irritated when there's a handful of people in front of me at Starbucks.

If ... Read More


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