Socialism Promises a Utopia, but Delivers Suffering

May 22, 2019

Good morning from Washington, where Democrats' House majority makes fiscal responsibility a heavier lift. In commentaries, David Ditch and Justin Bogie explain why we've got to stop the ever-mounting debt. One wonders how the spending spree would have been greeted by America's suffragettes, whose victory 100 years ago is cause for a House celebration. Rachel del Guidice reports. Researcher and author Dion Pierre visits the podcast to talk "neo-segregation" in higher education. Plus: Jessica Francavilla on the toll of abortion, Dennis Prager on campus leftism, and Walter Williams on socialism's broken promise.

Stalin promised a great socialist-Marxist society that included better food and better worker conditions.
"Diversity, in our minds, would mean that people are mixing, that students of different races are coming together and having conversation. … But diversity, as it's practiced on college campuses, actually means race nationalism," says Dion Pierre of the National Association of Scholars.
Despite the present economic boom, two types of bankruptcy threaten America's fortunes.
"It's leaders like Susan B. Anthony … who have inspired generations of women to live their dreams, to be courageous, and be risk-takers," says Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash.
House Democrats already have put forth a plan that would raise spending caps by at least $357 billion over the next two years—without any plan to pay for it.
Abortion changes each and every one of us. Some of us become workaholics, while some of us find it hard to get out of bed in the morning.
There is a good chance your child will return from college alienated from you, from America, from Western civilization, and from whatever expression of any Bible-based religion in which you raised your child.

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