A Predictable Decline in Hillary Clinton's Popularity
FIVETHIRTYEIGHT.BLOGS.NYTIMES.COM 4 Hours Ago A Predictable Decline in Hillary Clinton's Popularity by Nate Silver The controversies surrounding the I.R.S.'s targeting of conservative groups and the executive branch's handling of last year's attacks in Benghazi, Libya, have yet to have much impact on President Obama's approval ratings (although some slight decline may be hidden by an improved economic mood ). But Mr. Obama's former secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton, appears to be have been more affected. A Quinnipiac University poll released on Friday found Mrs. Clinton's favorability rating declining to 52 percent, from 61 percent in February. The decrease was considerably more modest in a CNN poll released earlier this month , with Mrs. Clinton's favorability rating decreasing to 61 percent from 63 percent in March. Nevertheless, Mrs. Clinton's favorability scores had hovered in the mid-60s for much of the past two years — and thos