Morning Jolt: California Wants a Wall — to Keep the Homeless out

Making the click-through worthwhile: Huge personal news and an addition to your summer reading list, the consequences of opposing Trump while emulating his worst traits, and California liberals grow comfortable with building a big, beautiful wall . . . to keep the homeless out of their neighborhoods.

Behold, for Your Summer Reading List: Between Two Scorpions

Before we get into the day's headlines, a very special announcement, news I've been itching to share with you readers for a long time: I've written a thriller novel entitled Between Two Scorpions ...

May 23 2019


California Wants a Wall — to Keep the Homeless out

Jim Geraghty

Making the click-through worthwhile: Huge personal news and an addition to your summer reading list, the consequences of opposing Trump while emulating his worst traits, and California liberals grow comfortable with building a big, beautiful wall . . . to keep the homeless out of their neighborhoods.

Behold, for Your Summer Reading List: Between Two Scorpions

Before we get into the day's headlines, a very special announcement, news I've been itching to share with you readers for a long time: I've written a thriller novel entitled Between Two Scorpions ... Read More


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For Democrats, the Party's Over

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The 24 Democrats

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Bernie Sanders: 'It May Well Be Time for an Impeachment Inquiry to Begin'

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Sanders acknowledged Trump would relish a fight, but said Democrats may be forced to pursue that option if the White House continues to stonewall oversight efforts.


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Arizona Republicans Advance Bill to Reduce Abortions By Funding Crisis Pregnancy Centers

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