Morning Jolt: The Lawmaker Who Harassed a Woman Praying outside Planned Parenthood

Oof, what a Tuesday: the worst state legislator in America is identified, a couple hundred former federal prosecutors grumble about the president not being indicted but never quite get around to weighing in on impeachment, and a long-suppressed urge to discuss Avengers: Endgame is unleashed.

The Worst State Legislator in America

Last week we met the worst city councilman in America, Zach Adamson, who accused Indianapolis’ Shapiro's Deli of "feeding Nazis" when the NRA came to town.

Now meet the worst state legislator in America, Pennsylvania state representative Brian Sims, who decided to film himself confronting and furiously denouncing pro-life demonstrators praying on the sidewalk ...

May 07 2019


The Lawmaker Who Harassed a Woman Praying outside Planned Parenthood

Jim Geraghty

Oof, what a Tuesday: the worst state legislator in America is identified, a couple hundred former federal prosecutors grumble about the president not being indicted but never quite get around to weighing in on impeachment, and a long-suppressed urge to discuss Avengers: Endgame is unleashed.

The Worst State Legislator in America

Last week we met the worst city councilman in America, Zach Adamson, who accused Indianapolis’ Shapiro's Deli of "feeding Nazis" when the NRA came to town.

Now meet the worst state legislator in America, Pennsylvania state representative Brian Sims, who decided to film himself confronting and furiously denouncing pro-life demonstrators praying on the sidewalk ... Read More


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