Pediatrician Explains How Equality Act Would Force Doctors to 'Do Harm'

May 10, 2019

Happy Friday from Washington, where the Trump administration's disclosure that it seized a North Korean cargo ship signals unhappiness with the communist regime's behavior. Fred Lucas reports. A pediatrician visits the podcast to talk about harms posed by the Equality Act. Plus: Hans von Spakovsky on the Times and Trump's taxes, Rachel del Guidice on one mother's tribute to the son killed by an illegal alien, and Katrina Trinko on surprising tolerance in Tinseltown. Mother's Day is Sunday. Enjoy your weekend.

"This is very dangerous legislation in that it literally mandates that health professionals do harm to people," says Dr. Michelle Cretella.
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"The thing that really catapulted me into this fight was the leniency that's shown to illegal aliens in our court system, because my son's killer was a repeat illegal alien criminal," says Mary Ann Mendoza.
The Justice Department's action "was a positive step in enforcing U.N. resolutions and U.S. laws," says Heritage Foundation expert Bruce Klingner.
Months after his confirmation, the left is still talking about Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Rep. Mike Johnson says the Green New Deal would force Americans to make drastic adjustments to their lifestyles to pay for the legislation, which he said "would do nothing" to improve the environment.
Confidentiality, as the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals held in 1991 in U.S. v. Richey, is essential to "maintaining a workable tax system."
In a surprise twist, the movie embarrasses a liberal journalist and advocates tolerance toward Republicans.

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