
Showing posts from April, 2022

Urgent Update

Dear Fellow Conservative, I had to write again before midnight. This is a turning-point moment. The far left is on the defensive. Please seize this opportunity for to advance the policy solutions that can secure the border, and stop the Border Crisis here >> Our Heritage experts have a historic opportunity to use their research to fight for YOU ; to stop the border crisis with tough border security and other reforms that worked before the current administration created the mess we have today. Leaders in Washington and across the nation are willing to listen to Heritage's evidence and answers. But we can't fight at full strength if we don't hit the $200,000 target by midnight. If you believe America, including families like yours, deserve immigration solutions that secure our southern border, please use this secured link to give now: Best, Andrew P. McIndoe VP, Development P.S. Tonight's th

Weekend Jolt: What the Mask Panic Is Really About

Dear Weekend Jolter, A reporter asked President Biden last week, on the heels of the court-ordered rollback ... WITH JUDSON BERGER April 30 2022 WITH JUDSON BERGER April 30 2022 What the Mask Panic Is Really About Dear Weekend Jolter, A reporter asked President Biden last week, on the heels of the court-ordered rollback for public transit, if people should continue to wear masks absent a mandate. "That's up to them," he replied . Monster. "It is their choice," Jen Psaki explained. Tyrant. Anyway, such anodyne statements reflect the policy reality for now. Yet this policy either isn't computing for some folks or really is viewed as malicious. Or , and stop me if this is a stretch, those in high dudgeon over the judge's ruling understand