NR Daily: The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

A story of the love we hold in our hearts for the men and women of our Armed Forces who have given their lives to protect our nation.

May 27 2019



The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Tom Cotton

The story of all the Unknowns is a love story — the love we hold in our hearts for the men and women of our Armed Forces who have given their lives to protect our nation. Read More


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Women in Shakespeare: A Look at Two Current New York Productions

Madeleine Kearns

It's not that women can't play men — they can. It's that, gender notwithstanding, this self-indulgent tendency in modern theater to make the text illuminate the actors ought to be resisted.

Who Is to Blame for America's Disturbing Iran Policy?

George Will

Whatever the U.S. does to Iran militarily will be decided unilaterally by this president. But his predecessor, and today's Congress and previous Congresses, will be implicated in the absence of restraint by laws or norms.

Federal Judge Blocks Mississippi Abortion Law

Mairead McArdle

A federal judge on Friday blocked enforcement of a new Mississippi law that bans abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected.


Longing for Motherhood, Loving One Another

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Chelsea Patterson Sobolik invites us to have a conversation about life and love and children and family that can be about more than our often miserable politics, which seem stuck in one long argument over abortion.

The American Revolution's Starving, Barefoot, Heroic Troops

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They were relatively few in number and are now long, long gone. But their sacrifice was unique — for not only did they fight the most fearsome army in the world, they did so with a government that was unable to give them the support they so desperately required.

A Magazine with a Just Cause

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We can arm ourselves with the best thinking of our contemporaries and the wisdom of our ancestors, and we can make the case for liberty.

The Incredible Whiteness of Washington State's 'Progressive' Policies

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Washington State progressives who like to position themselves as allies of blacks are failing to live up to their promises. In the state's most recent legislative session alone, Democrats passed several measures that will do considerable harm to minorities, while whites will be the chief beneficiaries.

French Authorities Investigating Lyon Explosion as Potential Terror Attack

Mairead McArdle

French authorities are treating an explosion in the city of Lyon on Friday evening as a possible terror attack.




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