Morning Jolt: The Abortion Bill in Alabama Would be the Strictest Pro-Life Law in the Country

Making the click-through worthwhile: The Alabama legislature passes the most pro-life law in the nation, Elizabeth Warren refuses to grace Fox News with her presence, and a new poll shows Joe Biden leading President Trump by five points in . . . Arizona.

The Abortion Debate Comes to Alabama

On Tuesday, the Alabama state senate passed H.B. 314 by a 25-6 vote with one abstention. The bill establishes the legal personhood of unborn children and prohibits nearly all abortion. If Republican governor Kay Ivey signs the legislation — which the bill's supporters anticipate — it would be the strictest pro-life law in the entire country, though it is highly unlikely that it would survive the inevitable legal challenge from abortion-rights groups.

The bill first received national attention earlier this month, when Democratic state representative John Rogers made a gruesome remark explaining his opposition to the bill. "Some kids are unwanted," Rogers said. "So you kill them now or you kill them ...

May 15 2019


The Abortion Bill in Alabama Would be the Strictest Pro-Life Law in the Country

Alexandra DeSanctis

Making the click-through worthwhile: The Alabama legislature passes the most pro-life law in the nation, Elizabeth Warren refuses to grace Fox News with her presence, and a new poll shows Joe Biden leading President Trump by five points in . . . Arizona.

The Abortion Debate Comes to Alabama

On Tuesday, the Alabama state senate passed H.B. 314 by a 25-6 vote with one abstention. The bill establishes the legal personhood of unborn children and prohibits nearly all abortion. If Republican governor Kay Ivey signs the legislation — which the bill's supporters anticipate — it would be the strictest pro-life law in the entire country, though it is highly unlikely that it would survive the inevitable legal challenge from abortion-rights groups.

The bill first received national attention earlier this month, when Democratic state representative John Rogers made a gruesome remark explaining his opposition to the bill. "Some kids are unwanted," Rogers said. "So you kill them now or you kill them ... Read More


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