The Left’s Long War on Using ‘Illegal Aliens’

April 23 2024
The Left's Long War on Using 'Illegal Aliens'
By Katrina Trinko

A high school student was suspended last week for saying the term "illegal alien."
Former Biden DOJ Lawyer Makes Opening Argument in Trump Trial on Stormy Daniels Hush Money
By Fred Lucas

"I just want to say these are all Biden trials. This is done as election interference. Everybody knows it," former President Trump tells reporters outside the courtroom.
Liz Truss' Warning to US: Stop Appeasing Woke Orwellianism at Home and Totalitarianism Abroad
By Liz Truss

"What we're seeing in bureaucracy in the United Kingdom ... is a growing activist class of civil servants who have views ... which they are keen to promote in their role," says the former prime minister.
Be It Ever So Humble … : Supreme Court to Decide If City May Ban Sleeping in Public
By Paul J. Larkin, John G. Malcolm

The 9th Circuit held that it violates the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the Constitution's Eighth Amendment for a city to fine someone for sleeping on public property if no bed is available.
Why Speaker Johnson's Job Is on the Line After House Votes $60 Billion for Ukraine
By Virginia Allen

Ryan Walker, executive vice president of Heritage Action, explains the reason for the sharp divide in Congress over the foreign aid package and the likelihood Johnson will face removal as speaker.
I Go to College in DC. Why Is It So Unsafe Here? 
By Noah Slayter

In freshman year, I saw gang violence firsthand. Waiting for a Metro train at the campus station, I saw two men beating each other until one jumped on a train.
The Washington Post's 2,600-Word Love Letter to a Drag Queen
By Peter Parisi

The profile of a drag queen was arguably even more hagiographic than "RBG," the 2018 biopic of the late left-wing icon, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
ICYMI: After Judge Blocks Law Protecting Kids From Transgender Surgeries, Ohio Calls on State Supreme Court to Intervene
By Mary Margaret Olohan

The Ohio attorney general asks the state's Supreme Court to intervene after a judge blocks a law protecting children from "transgender" surgeries and procedures.

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