Daily on Defense: Israel mulls response, Johnson unveils plan for Ukraine aid, Abbey Gate account disputed, Lockheed Martin snags $17 billion contract

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'ISRAEL CAN NAME ITS PRICE': The surprisingly spectacular defeat of Iran's weekend attack on Israel has both embarrassed Tehran and strengthened Israel’s hand significantly, argue Biden administration officials and former U.S. commanders.

"Before yesterday, it was presumed that 100 ballistic missiles might overwhelm even the best defensive systems. That was Iran’s intent," National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said at yesterday's White House briefing. "It didn’t work. … There was virtually no infrastructure damage to Israel."

"So, let’s be straight. Given the scale of this attack, Iran’s intent was clearly to cause significant destruction and casualties. Iranian leaders launched so many missiles and other munitions because they knew that many were going to be defeated, but the aim was to get as many of them through Israel’s defenses as possible," Kirby said. "This attack failed because it was defeated by Israel, by the United States, and by a coalition of other partners committed to Israel’s defense."

"Israel today is in a far stronger strategic position than it was only a few days ago. Iran’s vaunted missile program, something it has used to threaten Israel in the region, proved to be far less effective," Kirby concluded.

"Israel can name its price right now. And that’s a very heady position to be in," retired Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, the former top U.S. commander in the region, said on CBS on Sunday. "But it’s also a position that calls for exercise of strategic restraint and a view to the long term. And Israel has an opportunity here, I think, to demonstrate that and to seize the diplomatic initiative really in an arena where they struggled to do it over the past few months."


ISRAEL MULLING OPTIONS: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that there will be a military response, while allies including the United States and France are urging restraint, fearing an escalatory spiral that could spark a wider war. Netanyahu has reportedly asked for a target list that would "send a message" but not cause casualties, according to the Washington Post. Israel's war cabinet is meeting today to review the options. Israeli military chief Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi said Monday that Iran's attack "will be met with a response."

"The way to reestablish deterrence is not proportional. That’s academic talk," former Trump national security adviser John Bolton said on CNN on Sunday, arguing, like many Republicans, Iran needs to be hit and hit hard. "Israel has a wide range of potential targets. You start by flattening Iran’s air defense capabilities. Next, you might go after headquarters of the regular military and the Revolutionary Guard. You could consider going after their oil infrastructure, the oil fields, the distribution pipelines, the export port facilities. And most importantly, I think Israel should be looking at this as an opportunity to destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons program, which is the existential threat that Israel faces."

"Some are calling for Israel to destroy the Iranian nuclear enterprise. Now isn't the time for that," McKenzie advised in a Wall Street Journal essay. "What's needed is a carefully calibrated response on a scale that reinforces Israeli technical mastery." 

"That would reset deterrence. Informed observers, whatever their sympathies, all know who won this engagement," McKenzie wrote. "The hard part, as always, is translating battlefield success into lasting policy advantage and an opportunity for peace."

PANETTA: 'YOU DON’T WANT TO BLOW' IT: Former Defense Secretary and CIA chief Leon Panetta said as tempting as it might feel to unleash a punishing response to Iran's unprecedented attack, the smarter play may be to take McKenzie's advice and carefully calibrate the response.

"Israel has to recognize what they’ve been able to achieve here. Their country was strongly defended by a strong coalition that brought down every missile that was aimed at them. That’s unprecedented," Panetta said on CNN. "And I think you want to build on that. You want to build on that coalition. You want to build on that strength to think carefully about what the next step should be."

"Look, there’s some tier-one targets they could go after that would clearly escalate the war in the Middle East. There’s also some tier-two targets, whether it’s cyber, whether it’s going after proxies like Hezbollah and others. There’s also the possibility of bringing the Gaza war to an end and beginning to build some kind of stabilized Palestinian control in Gaza. That would be a major step forward for Israel and for that region," Panetta said.

"There’s a lot of different approaches here that could be taken that I think could strengthen Israel’s hand rather than weaken it," he added. "This could be a great opportunity. Israel just had a great coalition come to their defense. You don’t want to blow that."


Good Tuesday morning and welcome to Jamie McIntyre's Daily on Defense, written and compiled by Washington Examiner National Security Senior Writer Jamie McIntyre (@jamiejmcintyre) and edited by Stacey Dec. Email here with tips, suggestions, calendar items, and anything else. Sign up or read current and back issues at DailyonDefense.com. If signing up doesn't work, shoot us an email and we'll add you to our list. And be sure to follow me on Threads and/or on X @jamiejmcintyre


HAPPENING TODAY: After months of stalling, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) announced last night plans to try to overcome objections from his hard-right flank to a Senate-passed foreign aid package by breaking up the supplemental appropriation for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and other national security concerns into four bills that would each get a separate vote on the House floor.

"This week, we will consider separate bills with a structured and germane amendment process to: fund our ally Israel, support Ukraine in its war against Russian aggression, strengthen our allies in the Indo-Pacific, pass additional measures to counter our adversaries and strengthen our national security," Johnson said in a post on X.

According to a leaked document posted on social media, the plan closely mirrors the Senate bill, which, if voted on, could be passed immediately and be on the president's desk within hours. The Johnson plan envisions four bills that would provide $43.4 billion for Ukraine, $14 billion for Israel, $2.4 billion for U.S. operations in the Red Sea, nearly $2.6 billion for Taiwan and Pacific partners, and $3.3 billion for building new submarines. 

The legislation does not include any of the border security provisions Republicans have been demanding as a condition for passing Ukraine aid.

"Every member ultimately will be able to vote their own conscience on all of these matters, and everyone will have an opportunity to weigh in," Johnson said. "I think the final product will be something that everybody can take confidence in because they got to vote their district."


MTG: JOHNSON 'COMPLETELY DISCONNECTED' WITH VOTERS: Johnson antagonist Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) immediately denounced the move as a "scam" and blasted Johnson on social media. 

"Our voters are ADAMANTLY AGAINST funding a single penny to Ukraine!!! And basically any foreign war. They are just done. Focus on Americans for a change!!!" Greene posted on X, also railing against a leak suggesting Johnson might include a ban on TikTok as a sop to his hard-line caucus.

"TikTok doesn't make our voters angry as a matter of fact, they like it and use it," Greene wrote. "Proof Speaker Johnson is completely disconnected with voters and desperately trying anything to please the IC and Biden's State Department." Greene did not say if she would seek Johnson's ouster, as she has threatened in the past.


ABBEY GATE: With little fanfare, the Pentagon published its "supplemental review" of the disastrous 2021 suicide bombing that killed 13 U.S. service members and some 170 Afghan civilians at Hamid Karzai International Airport’s Abbey Gate.

The circumstances of the attack have been in dispute, in particular the account of former Marine Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews, who testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee last March that he had identified the suspected bomber in the crowd outside the airport but was refused permission to take him out.

The report identified the bomber and concluded that Vargas-Andrews had identified the wrong man, basing the conclusion on facial analysis and interviews of more than 190 people at 24 separate locations. "For the past two years, some service members have claimed that they had the bomber in their sights and they could have prevented the attack. We now know that is not correct," the report quoted a review team member as saying. 

“Positive identification of the bomber prior to the attack would have been improbable, given the timeline and the density of the crowd,” the report quoted an Army review team member. The Marine "did the right thing despite the uncertainty of the environment,” one official said. “They remained disciplined, and they performed their duties admirably. And that was to preserve the force and also to protect civilians and others.” 


INDUSTRY WATCH: LOCKHEED MARTIN WINS DOWN-SELECT ON INTERCEPTOR: Despite congressional concerns, the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency has settled on one contractor, Lockheed Martin, to be the sole contractor to design and build a new interceptor for the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense system.

“The American defense industry is one of our country’s greatest strengths, and having to decide between the two different design approaches was very difficult,” said Lt. Gen. Heath Collins, director of the Missile Defense Agency, in a statement defending the $17 billion contract award.

In testimony before the House Armed Service Committee earlier this month, Collins conceded there was some risk in ending compilation for the design this soon. "As a career acquisition officer, competition within an acquisition strategy does buy down risk, keeps both teams sharp throughout the acquisition, and tends to — it’s a best practice within the department," he told the committee, but he insisted the program is "on track" and that the risk can be mitigated. "There are other mechanisms to manage competition and risk within a program. … We certainly will be looking forward to keeping the program on pace."

"Well, I still am concerned," Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) said. "I know that you’ll do your best to play the hand of cards that you’ve been dealt, but I really am concerned about this. I just think we’re taking on too much risk that we otherwise would be able to mitigate through continuing the competition more into the future."

"I worry that the Biden administration is wanting to dismantle the significant industrial capacity that has been built up over decades, and MDA’s budget and plans are taking a detrimental hit due to some shortsighted decisions here," Rep. Dale Strong (R-AL) said. "Last spring, your predecessor testified to the benefits of keeping multiple contractors on the NGI program through critical design review. But since late last year, we’ve learned that this is no longer the plan. This really concerns me and many others."



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8 a.m. HVC-210, U.S. Capitol — House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party hearing: “The CCP’s Role in the Fentanyl Crisis." https://selectcommitteeontheccp.house.gov/

8:15 a.m. 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW — National Defense Industrial Association 2024 Missile Defense Conference: “Missile Defense in an Era of Strategic Competition,” with Missile Defense Agency Director Air Force Lt. Gen. Heath Collins; Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy John Plumb; Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Bonnie Jenkins; Defense Undersecretary for Research and Engineering Heidi Shyu; Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO); Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. https://www.ndia.org/events

9 a.m. — Henry L. Stimson Center virtual discussion: On “Digital Surveillance in North Korea,” with Martyn Williams, senior fellow at 38 North; Natalia Slavney, research analyst at 38 North; and Jenny Town, director of 38 North https://www.stimson.org/event/digital-surveillance-in-north-korea/

9:30 a.m. — Senate Armed Services Committee hearing: “The Posture of the Department of the Air Force in Review of the Defense Authorization Request for FY2025 and the Future Years Defense Program,” with testimony from Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall; Gen. David Allvin, Air Force chief of staff; and Space Force Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, chief of space operations http://www.armed-services.senate.gov

10 a.m. 192 Dirksen — Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense hearing: "The President’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request for the Navy and Marine Corps," with testimony from Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro; Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti; and Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Eric Smith https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/hearings

10 a.m. — Wilson Center Global Europe Program and the Royal United Services Institute virtual discussion on a new report, “Mass Precision Strike: Designing UAV Complexes for Land Forces,” with author Jack Watling, senior research fellow for land warfare at the Royal United Services Institute https://www.wilsoncenter.org/event

10 a.m. 310 Cannon — House Homeland Security Committee hearing: “A Review of the FY2025 Budget Request for the Department of Homeland Security,” with testimony from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas http://homeland.house.gov

10 a.m. 2154 Rayburn — House Oversight and Accountability National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs Subcommittee hearing: “How the Border Crisis Impacts Public Safety,” with testimony from former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, senior fellow for immigration and homeland security at the Center for Renewing America; Bill Waybourn, sheriff of Tarrant County, Texas; and Mike Chapman, sheriff of Loudoun County, Virginia. http://oversight.house.gov

10 a.m. 2362-B Rayburn — House Appropriations Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Subcommittee hearing: “FY2025 Request for the Department of Veterans Affairs,” with testimony from Veteran Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough http://appropriations.house.gov

11 a.m. 345 Cannon — Bipartisan House members briefing on an Iran resolution addressing challenges posed by Tehran, including its heightened involvement in terrorism, recent engagement in regional war and proxy hostilities, and internal suppression, with Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX); Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-CA); Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA); Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX); Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE); Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL); Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX); Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA); and Iranian resistance Leader Maryam Rajavi 

11 a.m. 1201 Pennsylvania Ave. NW — Hudson Institute discussion: “The Battle for the Black Sea Is Not Over,” with Rep. Jake Ellzey (R-TX); Cristian Gaginsky, deputy chief of mission at the Romanian Embassy to the United States; George Scutaru, CEO of the Bucharest New Strategy Center; Antonia Colibasanu, senior fellow at the Bucharest New Strategy Center; Matthew Boyse, senior fellow at the Hudson Center on Europe and Eurasia; and Luke Coffey, Hudson senior fellow https://www.hudson.org/events/battle-black-sea-not-over

11:30 a.m. 1201 Pennsylvania Ave. NW — Hudson Institute discussion: “Transatlantic Relations, the War in Ukraine, and the U.S.-Czech Alliance,” with Czech Republic Prime Minister Petr Fiala https://www.hudson.org/events/prime-minister-petr-fiala

1 p.m. 2247 Rayburn — Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe hearing: “The Republic of Malta: Leading the OSCE Through Turbulent Times,” with Maltese Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairman Ian Borg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TddF3ycKl1A

3 p.m. — House Armed Services Readiness Subcommittee hearing: “FY2025 Budget Request for Department of Defense Energy, Installations, and Environment Programs,” with testimony from Assistant Navy Secretary for Energy, Installations, and Environment Meredith Berger; Assistant Air Force Secretary for Energy, Installations, and Environment Ravi Chaudhary; Assistant Army Secretary for Energy, Installations, and Environment Rachel Jacobson; and Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment Brendan Owens http://www.armedservices.house.gov

3:30 p.m. 2118 Rayburn — House Armed Services Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee hearing: "FY2025 Budget Request of the Department of Defense for Fixed-Wing Tactical and Training Aircraft Programs," with testimony from Nickolas Guertin, assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development, and acquisition, and senior acquisition executive for the F-35 program; Andrew Hunter, assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, technology, and logistics; Douglas Schmidt, director, operational test and evaluation; Lt. Gen. Richard Moore, Air Force deputy chief of staff for plans and programs; Lt. Gen. Bradford Gering, Marine Corps deputy commandant for aviation; Air Force Lt. Gen. Michael Schmidt, F-35 program executive officer; and Navy Rear Adm. Michael Donnelly, director Air Warfare Division http://www.armedservices.house.gov

4 p.m. — Council on Foreign Relations virtual media briefing: “Iran’s Attack on Israel and the Threat of Escalation," with former deputy national security adviser Elliott Abrams, CFR senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies; former U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman, CFR president; Max Boot, CFR senior fellow for national security studies; Steven Cook, CFR senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies; Martin Indyk, CFR fellow in U.S.-Middle East diplomacy; Linda Robinson, CFR senior fellow for women and foreign policy; and Ray Takeyh, CFR senior fellow for Middle East studies https://cfr.zoom.us

4 p.m. — Congressional Ukraine Caucus and Razom for Ukraine news conference with mothers of American veterans who have fallen fighting in Ukraine to make the case for providing additional aid, with Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL); Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-PA); Rep. Wiley Nickel (D-NC); Rep. Susan Wild (D-PA); Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX); Daniel Balson, director of public engagement for Razom for Ukraine; Karla Webber, mother of Andrew Irvin Webber; and Terrie Lawrence, mother of Lance Allen Lawrence. RSVP: [email protected]

5 p.m. 1521 16th St. — Institute of World Politics lecture: “Ukraine’s Most Important Battle: Fighting for American Hearts and Minds,” with Glenn Corn, IWP professor https://www.iwp.edu/ukraines-most-important-battle

7 p.m. — Vandenberg Coalition discussion: “The Future of Conservative Foreign Policy,” with Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) https://form.jotform.com/240806975637165


8 a.m. 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW — National Defense Industrial Association 2024 Missile Defense Conference, with Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA); Army Maj. Gen. Gregory Brady, chief of staff at U.S. Strategic Command; Air Force Gen. Stephen Whiting, commander of U.S. Space Command; and Air Force Lt. Gen. Heath Collins, director of the Missile Defense Agency https://www.ndia.org/events

8 a.m. 5000 Seminary Rd., Alexandria, Virginia — Potomac Officers Club CIO Summit, with Doug Cossa, deputy chief information officer of the Defense Intelligence Agency https://potomacofficersclub.com/events/poc-5th-annual-cio-summit/

8:50 a.m. 1615 H St. NW — U.S. Chamber of Commerce U.S.-Ukraine Partnership Forum, with State Department Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker; Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal; and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo https://events.uschamber.com/2024usukrainepartnershipforum/5314966?ref=uschamber-site-calendar

9:30 a.m. G-50 Dirksen — Senate Armed Services Committee hearing: "Energy Department and National Nuclear Security Administration atomic energy defense activities in review of the Defense Authorization Request for FY2025 and the Future Years Defense Program" http://www.armed-services.senate.gov

10 a.m. 2359 Rayburn — House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee hearing: “FY2025 Request for the Department of Defense,” with testimony from Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin; Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr.; and Michael McCord, Defense undersecretary/comptroller and CFO http://appropriations.house.gov

10 a.m. 192 Dirksen — Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee hearing: "The budget estimates and justification for FY2025 for the Navy and Marine Corps,” with testimony from Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro; Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti; and Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Eric Smith http://appropriations.senate.gov

10 a.m. 2154 Rayburn — House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing: “Defending America from the Chinese Communist Party’s Political Warfare, Part I,” with testimony from retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Robert Spalding, CEO of SEMPRE and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute; retired Marine Corps Col. Grant Newsham; and Peter Mattis, president of the Jamestown Foundation http://oversight.house.gov

10 a.m. 419 Dirksen — Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing: “Modernizing U.S. Alliances and Partnerships in the Indo-Pacific,” with testimony from retired Adm. Harry Harris, former U.S. ambassador to South Korea and former commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, and Walter Russell Mead, professor of foreign affairs and humanities at Bard College and columnist at the Wall Street Journal http://foreign.senate.gov

2 p.m. 2172 Rayburn — House Foreign Affairs Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia Subcommittee hearing: “The Despotic Duo: Russo-Iranian Cooperation and Threats to U.S. Interests,” with testimony from Behnam Ben Taleblu, senior fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies; Gabriel Noronha, fellow, Jewish Institute for National Security of America; and Dana Stroul, research director, Washington Institute for Near East Policy http://foreignaffairs.house.gov

2 p.m. 2362-A Rayburn — House Appropriations Committee Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Subcommittee hearing: “FY2025 Request for Air Force and Space Force Military Construction and Family Housing,” with testimony from Ravi Chaudhary, assistant secretary of the Air Force for installations, energy, and environment; Brig. Gen. Brian Hartless, Air Force director of civil engineers, deputy chief of staff for logistics, engineering, and force protection; and Bruce Hollywood, associate chief operations officer of the U.S. Space Force http://appropriations.house.gov

3 p.m. 2118 Rayburn — House Armed Services Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee hearing: “Department of the Navy FY2025 Budget Request for Seapower and Projection Forces,” with testimony from Nickolas Guertin, assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development, and acquisition; Lt. Gen. Karsten Heckl, deputy commandant of the Marine Corps for combat development and integration; and Vice Adm. James Pitts, deputy chief of naval operations for warfighting requirements and capabilities http://www.armedservices.house.gov

3 p.m. G-50 Dirksen — Senate Armed Services Personnel Subcommittee hearing: "Defense Department efforts to ensure servicemembers’ access to safe, high-quality pharmaceuticals,” with testimony from Lester Martinez-Lopez, assistant secretary of defense for health affairs; David Smith, deputy assistant secretary of defense for health readiness policy and oversight; Army Brig. Gen. Edward Bailey, commanding general of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command at Fort Detrick, Maryland; Matthew Beebe, director of acquisition (J7) in the Defense Logistics Agency; Melissa Barber, postdoctoral fellow in the Yale Law School and Yale School of Medicine and affiliate at the Yale Collaboration for Regulatory Rigor, Integrity, and Transparency; Bryce Mendez, specialist in defense healthcare policy at the Congressional Research Service; and retired Army Col. Victor Suarez, founder and principal growth partner at Blu Zone Bioscience and Supply Chain Solutions http://www.armed-services.senate.gov

4 p.m. 232-A Russell — Senate Armed Services Airland Subcommittee hearing: "Army modernization in review of the Defense Authorization Request for FY2025 and the Future Years Defense Program,” with testimony from Douglas Bush, assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics, and technology; Gen. James Rainey, commanding general of the U.S. Army Futures Command; and Army Lt. Gen. Karl Gingrich, deputy chief of staff http://www.armed-services.senate.gov

4 p.m. 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW — Wilson Center Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies book discussion: New Cold Wars: China’s Rise, Russia’s Invasion, and America’s Struggle to Defend the West, with author David Sanger, New York Times national security and White House correspondent https://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/new-cold-wars

4:45 p.m. 222 Russell — Senate Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee hearing: "Atomic energy defense activities and Defense Department nuclear weapons programs in review of the Defense Authorization Request for FY2025 and the Future Years Defense Program" http://www.armed-services.senate.gov


9 a.m. 1201 Pennsylvania Ave. NW — Hudson Institute Central and Eastern Europe Strategy Summit with former Vice President Dan Quayle; Valdis Dombrovskis, executive vice president of the European Commission; Kamil Sasko, first state secretary of the Slovakian Ministry of Economy; Jan Ruzicka, chief external affairs officer of the PPF Group; Marcin Piatkowski, World Bank senior economist; Michael Harms, executive director of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy; Jean Froehly, head of the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 Task Force; State Department Deputy Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery Tyson Barker; Marek Mora, deputy minister of the Czech Republic Ministry of Finance; Sofia, Bulgaria, Mayor Vassil Terziev; Dragos Stefan Roibu, chief of staff of the Romanian Ministry of Energy; and Tibor Toth, state secretary at the Hungarian Ministry of Finance https://www.hudson.org/events/hudson-central-eastern-europe-strategy-summit-2024

9:30 a.m. — Center for Strategic and International Studies virtual discussion: “Unpacking the 2024 South Korean Elections,” with Jiyoon Kim, senior adviser at the Institute of Democracy Studies and Education, and Sue Mi Terry, senior fellow for Korea studies at the Council on Foreign Relations https://www.csis.org/events/unpacking-2024-south-korean-elections

1:30 p.m. Santa Monica, California — Rand Corporation discussion: “How Gendered Perspectives Shape National Security,” with retired Navy Vice Adm. Carol Pottenger; Deborah Avant, professor at the University of Denver; Endy Daehner, Rand senior physical scientist; Kyleanne Hunter, Rand senior political scientist; and Mary Lee, Rand mathematician https://www.rand.org/events/2024/04/how-gendered-perspectives-shape

3:30 p.m. 1030 15th St. NW — Atlantic Council discussion: “An Innovative U.K. Strategic Command,” with Gen. Jim Hockenhull, commander of U.K. Strategic Command; former Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice Chairman Marine Corps Gen. James Cartwright, Atlantic Council board director; Michael Andersson, head of strategic partnerships and international affairs at Saab and Atlantic Council board director; and Clementine Starling, director of the Atlantic Council’s Forward Defense https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/event/a-conversation-with-general-jim-hockenhull


9:30 a.m. 215 Dirksen — U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission hearing: “The National Security Implications of the Economic Relationship between the U.S. and the People’s Republic of China" https://www.uscc.gov

11 a.m. North Lacrosse, Wisconsin — House Veterans’ Affairs Economic Opportunity Subcommittee field hearing: “Examining Transitioning Servicemembers Experience" http://veterans.house.gov

2:30 p.m. 1030 15th St. NW — Atlantic Council discussion: “Building a Stronger Relationship with the U.S.,” with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' al Sudani https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/event/iraq-prime-minister

"Based on my experience in 37-plus years in the U.S. military, if one side can shoot and the other side can't shoot back, the side that can't shoot back loses."
Gen. Christopher Cavoli, supreme NATO commander and commander of the U.S. European Command, testifying April 10 that Ukraine will run out of artillery shells and air defense interceptors in "fairly short order" if Congress fails to approve additional aid.
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