How Biden’s Migrant Parole Could Prompt Illegal Voter Registration

April 25 2024
How Biden's Migrant Parole Could Prompt Illegal Voter Registration
By Fred Lucas

The Biden administration's expanded mass parole program for illegal immigrants could threaten lawful voter registration.
What to Do About the Terrorist Supporters Among Us
By Hans von Spakovsky

Are those organizing and participating in these protests, economic blockades, and intimidation otherwise providing "material support" for Hamas? That should be part of any Section 241 investigation.
Supreme Court Grills Government on US Law Requiring Emergency Care: Does It Trump State Law Restricting Abortion?
By Thomas Jipping, Sarah Parshall Perry

The Supreme Court heard arguments to determine whether a federal law governing emergency rooms may preempt state pro-life laws and impose a nationwide abortion mandate.
An American Foreign Policy That Benefits America
By Simon Hankinson

In his latest book, "The Last Best Hope," political risk analyst John Hulsman offers a succinct, understandable guide to uniting the disparate wings of conservatism behind a realist foreign policy.
Speaking at Columbia University, House Speaker Johnson Calls on School's President to Resign
By Jarrett Stepman

"I am here today joining my colleagues and calling on President Shafik to resign if she cannot immediately bring order to this chaos," says the House speaker.
Biden Bans Gas Stoves and Appliances in Federal Buildings
By Nick Pope

"The Biden-Harris Administration is practicing what we preach," Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm says of her agency's rule.
EXCLUSIVE: Parents Question Why Virginia High School Staging Drag Musical, Brunch
By Tony Kinnett

In a letter to the high school's principal, parents write that "it is our belief that such content does not belong on school property, especially when it involves minors."
Antisemitic Protests on College Campuses Represent 'Anti-Western and Anti-American Movement,' Professor Says
By Virginia Allen

The pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protests are representative of a "fundamentally an anti-Western and anti-American movement," Cornell professor Bill Jacobson says.

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