Teachers Conference Lecture Declares Math a ‘Tool of Oppression’

Plus: Pope Francis Forced to Cancel Meetings Due to 'Inflammation of the Lungs'
November 27 2023
Teachers Conference Lecture Declares Math a 'Tool of Oppression'
By Elizabeth Troutman

Math can oppress students of color due to the inequitable system it was developed under, according to a slide presentation at the University of Oregon's 2023 mathematics conference.
Pope Francis Forced to Cancel Meetings Due to 'Inflammation of the Lungs'
By Jake Smith

Pope Francis cancels a series of meetings this week after falling ill, the Vatican announces.
Target Pushes Ahead With Woke Holiday Merch, Despite Losses
By Sarah Holliday

Despite boycotts and backlash, Target leans in to the very agenda that caused its demise, hiring a "Senior LGBTQIA+ Segmentation Strategist and Pride Lead," whose job is to woke-ify the aisles.
Europeans Rebel Against EU Food Nutrition Labeling
By Martin Gundinger

The European Commission abandons a proposal to introduce a Europewide "Nutri-Score," a labeling system to measure nutrition for consumers, thanks to opposition from Italy's government.
Women 'Deserve Better' Than Misinformation on Chemical Abortion, Physician Says
By Sara Garstka

"Mifepristone destroys one life and tends to ruin another life as well," Rep. Bob Good says of the abortion pill.
25 Years of Healthy Marriage in Utah: State Commission Strengthens Institution
By Rachel Sheffield

There's a great need to strengthen marriage in the U.S., given its decadeslong decline and the many consequences of family breakdown. Utah provides an example for other states.
ICYMI: Atlanta Rioter: 'My Gender Is a Loaded Gun Pointed at Capitalism's Heart'
By Tyler O'Neil

The journal reads like a mass shooter's manifesto, with poems about Marxism and climate change and crude drawings of police officers hung on trees with KKK members.

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