Atlanta Rioter: ‘My Gender Is a Loaded Gun Pointed at Capitalism’s Heart’

November 28 2023
Cowardice Fuels Violent Mobs: How 'Social Justice' Brings Anti-Jewish Pogroms to New York City
By Tony Kinnett

Students vandalize a New York City school during a riot, threatening a Jewish teacher and ripping a water fountain off a wall, because the teacher went to a rally with a pro-Israel sign.
Father Fights for Son Whose Mother Is Raising as 'Nonbinary'
By Virginia Allen

Harrison Tinsley's 4-year-old son likes to play hockey and football. His father says Sawyer is a happy little boy, but the child's mother is attempting to raise him not as a boy or girl, but as nonbinary.
On Ohio's Issue 1, OB-GYN Debunks Deceptive Abortion Narrative
By Susan Bane, M.D.

Exit polls show most Ohio voters oppose unlimited abortion on demand, yet that's what 57% voted for with the passage of a ballot question. A deceptive narrative explains the disconnect.
Appeals Court Forces Biden Admin to Sell Oil Leases in Gulf of Mexico
By Nick Pope

A federal appeals court rules that the Biden administration must hold a large sale of offshore oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico without added ecological protections.
The Kids Are Not All Right: Gen Z Outside the Norm on Israel, Hamas
By Victoria Coates

More than seven weeks out from the Iranian-sponsored Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel, new polling reveals how Americans are responding to the attacks and resulting war in Gaza.
These 2 'News' Stories Show Why History Is Too Important to Leave to Academia, Legacy Media
By Jarrett Stepman

Elite Western institutions not only fail to pass on our history and traditions, but intentionally try to tear them down. As a result, many Americans are entirely untethered from their own past.
ICYMI: Teachers Conference Lecture Declares Math a 'Tool of Oppression'
By Elizabeth Troutman

Math can oppress students of color due to the inequitable system it was developed under, according to a slide presentation at the University of Oregon's 2023 mathematics conference.

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