The Left’s Priesthood: How DEI Offices Weaponize Virginia Universities

September 25 2023
The Left's Priesthood: How DEI Offices Weaponize Virginia Universities
By Tyler O'Neil

DEI offices exist to push leftist ideology throughout the institution, hounding school administrators, staff, and professors to toe the line on "anti-racism" and gender ideology.
She Wanted to Be a Man From a Young Age and Lived as One for 11 Years. Why Kathy Grace Duncan Detransitioned.
By Virginia Allen

As a little girl, Kathy Grace Duncan watched her father abuse her mother and vowed she would never be victimized like her mom.
Arizona State University's Racially Biased Training Violates State Law, Watchdog Warns
By Tony Kinnett

Arizona State University officials appear to have violated state law by requiring staff to complete "racial equity" training, according to a new report by the Phoenix-based Goldwater Institute.
Cruz: Now Is 'Best Opportunity' for Texas to Pass School Choice Program
By Katrina Trinko

A Heritage Foundation report identified Texas as ranking No. 35 among the states for school choice, trailing behind more liberal states like California, Illinois, and Vermont.
Documents Reveal New Hampshire Review of Trump's Ballot Access Came After Outside Legal Analysis
By Fred Lucas

The Daily Signal obtained almost 1,200 pages of documents from the New Hampshire secretary of state's office regarding whether to bar Trump from the state's primary ballot.
Pro-Life Group Describes Tremendous Growth, Success Post-Roe: 'It's Easier to Recruit People'
By Mary Margaret Olohan

40 Days for Life was operating in 555 cities around the world in spring 2021. Now, the organization is in 681 cities. 40 Days for Life has seen a 126 "city surge" since Roe v. Wade was overturned.
Fetterman's Slovenliness Represents Demise of Objective Social Standards
By Josh Hammer

Sen. Fetterman's appalling sense of dress, and Sen. Schumer's capitulation to it, can be seen as part of the Left's broader, sustained attacks on the norms of many venerable institutions.
'PROTECT OUR COUNTRY': Parental Rights Advocate Warns Congress About China's Indoctrination in America
By Tony Kinnett

Nicole Neily, president of Parents Defending Education, testified in Congress about the Chinese Communist Party's invasive actions in American K-12 education.
ICYMI: Here's How Biden Admin Destroyed Our Immigration
By Victor Davis Hanson

No nation in history has survived once its borders were destroyed, its citizenship was rendered no different from mere residence, and its neighbors with impunity undermined its sovereignty.

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