Day 1 of Formal Biden Impeachment Inquiry: 7 Big Takeaways

September 29 2023
Day 1 of Formal Biden Impeachment Inquiry: 7 Big Takeaways
By Fred Lucas

Republicans lay out some of the gathered evidence of what they call influence peddling by President Biden, son Hunter Biden, and other members of his family.
American Sovereignty Is at Stake in Budget Deal Showdown Over Border Funding
By Jarrett Stepman

For good reason, some House Republicans have been insistent that any congressional budget deal must include more money to fund border security.
Leaked Messages From UAW Official Reveal a Big Cause of Unions' Decline
By Rachel Greszler

The utter disconnect between the UAW's strategy of wounding, damaging, and inflicting chaos on the companies that employ and compensate its members is astounding.
DOJ Fails to Charge Pro-Abortion Activist Who Vandalized Pro-Life Center
By Mary Margaret Olohan

The Justice Department won't say why it hasn't prosecuted a Buffalo woman for vandalizing a pro-life pregnancy center.
The BorderLine: Boggled by Biden's Border Crisis? Relax, AOC Is in Charge
By Simon Hankinson

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez wants more of your federal tax dollars for cities to house, feed, and educate the millions pouring through President Biden's open border.
Steve McKee: 'If You Don't Like Where You Are, You Can Always Initiate a New Turn'
By Rob Bluey

All of us encounter twists and turns—whether in our personal lives or at work. Steve McKee's "Turns: Where Business Is Won and Lost," is a guide to turns that lead to a better life.
What We Saw at UAW Picket Line Outside Ford's Detroit Plant
By Tim Kennedy, Tony Kinnett

"He's one of the ones who did this to us," one auto worker says, referring to President Biden. "He doesn't give a damn about a guy on the line."

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