Stand up for your principles

Hi Fellow Conservative,

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your family and are looking forward to Christmas.

There's been much to appreciate this year on the conservative policy front—tax reform put more money in your pocket, record numbers of constitutionalists have been confirmed to federal courts, and unemployment is at historic lows.

But the liberals, having gained control of the House during the midterms, want to reverse all of this. They want to raise your taxes, impose more regulations on businesses, and most outrageous of all—they want to investigate Kavanaugh and impeach President Trump.

We can't let this happen. That's why I'm asking you to make a gift to Heritage today, to help fund the hard work ahead of us in the coming months. We are expecting 2020 to be the most trying year yet for conservatives, but we know there is much we can accomplish if we band together today.

Would you give an additional year-end gift to support this work?

Make your tax-deductible donation here >>


Andrew McIndoe
Vice President, Development
The Heritage Foundation

P.S. Heritage stands ready to make a lasting impact in 2020, in spite of liberals who would reverse the gains of the last few years. Please make your best gift today to secure the victories of today and tomorrow:

The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE | Washington, D.C. 20002 | (800) 546-2843

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