California Farmer Fights Government Claim That Dirt Is a Pollutant

Dec 04, 2019

Good morning from Washington, where the House Judiciary Committee's part in impeachment proceedings is only the latest, if most serious, confrontation between the chairman and the president. In California, the feds get down and dirty with a farmer for planting wheat. On the podcast, New York Times conservative Ross Douthat contemplates America's status as a Christian nation. Plus: the lack of rigor in our colleges, and more tough love for Chick-fil-A. On this date in 1992, President George H.W. Bush orders 28,000 troops to Somalia, where warlords thwart distribution of humanitarian aid to the starving.

By Kevin Mooney

No one told Jack LaPant that he could be in violation of the Clean Water Act for farming his own land.
By Fred Lucas

A rivalry that goes back to the mid-1980s culminates this week as Jerry Nadler presides over the next round of House Democrats' impeachment hearings targeting Donald Trump.
By Walter E. Williams

Some actual college courses taught recently at U.S. colleges include: "What If Harry Potter Is Real?," "Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame," and "How To Watch Television."
By Daniel Davis

As church attendance falls and our nation's elites seem to promote secular values, is our nation's faith changing? New York Times columnist and author Ross Douthat shares his thoughts.
By Fred Lucas

A new Trump administration rule aims to close loopholes used by states that frequently grant broad exemptions for recipients to remain on food stamps longer without actively seeking a job or work training.
By Cal Thomas

Appeasement doesn't work in a culture war in which the left takes no prisoners. Each time an inch is given by any conservative, liberals want more.

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