Morning Jolt: A National Poll Shows Trump Beating Every Potential Democrat in 2020

Making the click-through worthwhile: An eye-opening poll from USA Today that should have the president's reelection campaign team smiling; a spectacularly unwise suggestion for House Democrats from Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe; Stacey Abrams's organization objects to another routine purge of inactive voters in Georgia; and galactically-powerful counter-programming for the next Democratic debate.

Despite Impeachment Hearings, Voters Want Trump for a Second Term

Holy smokes. Maybe this USA Today poll is an outlier, or maybe a combination of impeachment, the far-from-centrist tone of most Democratic candidates, and recent good economic news have turned President Trump into a much tougher opponent to beat in 2020:

President Donald Trump, the first modern president to face impeachment during his first term in the White House, now leads his top Democratic rivals in his bid for a second, a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll ...

December 17 2019


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A National Poll Shows Trump Beating Every Potential Democrat in 2020

Jim Geraghty

Making the click-through worthwhile: An eye-opening poll from USA Today that should have the president's reelection campaign team smiling; a spectacularly unwise suggestion for House Democrats from Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe; Stacey Abrams's organization objects to another routine purge of inactive voters in Georgia; and galactically-powerful counter-programming for the next Democratic debate.

Despite Impeachment Hearings, Voters Want Trump for a Second Term

Holy smokes. Maybe this USA Today poll is an outlier, or maybe a combination of impeachment, the far-from-centrist tone of most Democratic candidates, and recent good economic news have turned President Trump into a much tougher opponent to beat in 2020:

President Donald Trump, the first modern president to face impeachment during his first term in the White House, now leads his top Democratic rivals in his bid for a second, a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll ... Read More


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The Supreme Court Must Not Let Google's Theft of Intellectual Property Stand

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Rand Paul vs. Google and Facebook

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What NR Is Reading

The Point of It All by Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

The bestselling book now in paperback—Charles Krauthammer's most important works, with new preface by Daniel Krauthammer.

This is timeless writing from a giant of a man who “will be missed, and never replaced.”

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