Morning Jolt: Impeachment Is a Drag

Making the click-through worthwhile: Congress is in the middle of only the fourth impeachment process against a president in American history, and yet the general public is generally tuned out or bored by it all; New York slides back towards its pre-Giuliani status, showcasing how violent crime can decline but the public can still feel less safe; an ugly spat gets all too public; and some of the weirder and surprisingly enjoyable offerings from Christmas television offerings.

For Something Allegedly Momentous, Americans Sure Seem Bored by Impeachment

This ongoing impeachment process is weird. We all have a good sense of the outcome, and just about all of the intermediate steps. There's little to no dispute about what the president did, said, or intended. If the Democrats believed they would reap a great political benefit from this, it hasn't happened yet. It could well force senators Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, and Michael Bennet (yes, he's still running) to spend weeks or months away from the presidential campaign trail. Former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter may well be called as ...

December 03 2019


Impeachment Is a Drag

Jim Geraghty

Making the click-through worthwhile: Congress is in the middle of only the fourth impeachment process against a president in American history, and yet the general public is generally tuned out or bored by it all; New York slides back towards its pre-Giuliani status, showcasing how violent crime can decline but the public can still feel less safe; an ugly spat gets all too public; and some of the weirder and surprisingly enjoyable offerings from Christmas television offerings.

For Something Allegedly Momentous, Americans Sure Seem Bored by Impeachment

This ongoing impeachment process is weird. We all have a good sense of the outcome, and just about all of the intermediate steps. There's little to no dispute about what the president did, said, or intended. If the Democrats believed they would reap a great political benefit from this, it hasn't happened yet. It could well force senators Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, and Michael Bennet (yes, he's still running) to spend weeks or months away from the presidential campaign trail. Former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter may well be called as ... Read More


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Impeachment Is a Political Fool's Errand

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What NR Is Reading

The Case for Nationalism: How It Made Us Powerful, United, and Free

Rich Lowry

Makes an original and compelling case for nationalism . . . A fascinating, erudite—and much-needed—defense of a hallowed idea unfairly under current attack.

Victor Davis Hanson


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