That Single-Payer Thing Isn’t Working Out for UK

August 19 2022

Happy Friday from Washington, where the left still bangs the drum for government-run health care. That's not exactly a winner in the United Kingdom, argues Heritage Foundation health policy veteran Bob Moffit. Vandals deface another pro-life pregnancy center in Massachusetts, Virginia Allen reports. On the podcast, our Fred Lucas  interviews journalist Cheryl Chumley about her book on the erosion of liberty during the pandemic. Plus: the CDC tries to get its act together; China isn't so super with superconductors; and the media keeps giving Biden a break. On this date in 1919, breaking with convention, President Woodrow Wilson appears before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to argue for ratification of the Versailles Treaty to end World War I. 

That Single-Payer Thing Isn't Working Out for UK
By Robert Moffit

The total number of patients waiting for medical care has soared to a record 6.6 million British citizens, almost 10% of the entire population.
CDC Misunderstands Why People Hate It, Attempts to Reorganize Anyway
By Douglas Blair

Throughout the waning COVID-19 pandemic and going into the waxing monkeypox mess, the CDC has repeatedly beclowned itself with contradictory or dangerous policies. 
Pro-Abortion Vandals Strike Pregnancy Center in Massachusetts
By Virginia Allen

Vandals use black spray paint to write outside the pro-life center: "If abortions aren't safe, neither are you!"
Exposing China's Semiconductor Vulnerabilities
By Min-Hua Chiang

After investing billions in developing the semiconductor industry in the past decade, China has not yet been able to reduce its reliance on importing advanced chips produced by other countries.
Examining How COVID-19 Lockdowns So Easily Curbed American Freedoms
By Fred Lucas

As businesses closed, the government grew in power and Americans' liberties shrank, says the author of the book "Lockdown: The Socialist Plan to Take Away Your Freedom."
Dumb Question: Is the Pro-Biden Spin Getting Out?
By Tim Graham

Time magazine proclaims, "Biden's 'bland leadership' may be getting results."
ICYMI: The Democrat Push to Redefine Infertility
By Emma Waters

Reps. Adam Schiff and Judy Chu of California, both Democrats, introduce a bill to use the IRS as a vehicle to redefine infertility.

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