Morning Jolt: Which Side Is Itching for a Civil War Again?

On the menu today: Last week brought a pair of odd and troubling comments from New York governor Kathy Hochul and aspiring Florida governor Charlie Crist, both echoing an arrogant decree from former New York governor Andrew Cuomo and suggesting that a governor has the moral authority to decide which political values are acceptable in his or her state. What happens when this arrogant mentality really takes hold? Meanwhile, Chris Stirewalt, the former political editor of Fox News Channel, shares a hard lesson about telling people things they don't want to hear. And the reader reviews of Gathering Five Storms continue to roll in.

Ruling-Class Arrogance

Sure, a future second American civil war seems like a ridiculous thought.

And yet, some governors and aspiring governors do feel entitled to call for the expulsion of citizens who don't share their political beliefs — such calls have been heard in the not-too-distant past, and they’ve been heard again ...

WITH JIM GERAGHTY August 29 2022
WITH JIM GERAGHTY August 29 2022

Which Side Is Itching for a Civil War Again?

On the menu today: Last week brought a pair of odd and troubling comments from New York governor Kathy Hochul and aspiring Florida governor Charlie Crist, both echoing an arrogant decree from former New York governor Andrew Cuomo and suggesting that a governor has the moral authority to decide which political values are acceptable in his or her state. What happens when this arrogant mentality really takes hold? Meanwhile, Chris Stirewalt, the former political editor of Fox News Channel, shares a hard lesson about telling people things they don't want to hear. And the reader reviews of Gathering Five Storms continue to roll in.

Ruling-Class Arrogance

Sure, a future second American civil war seems like a ridiculous thought.

And yet, some governors and aspiring governors do feel entitled to call for the expulsion of citizens who don't share their political beliefs — such calls have been heard in the not-too-distant past, and they’ve been heard again ...   READ MORE



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