'Profound Consequences': Sen. Mike Lee Outlines How Respect for Marriage Act Will Affect People of Faith

November 30 2022
Good morning from Washington, where the Senate last night passed a same-sex marriage bill after rejecting an amendment protecting religious freedom. We've got a prediction from Sen. Mike Lee, that amendment's author, on what the loss could mean. LGBT activists smear a popular Christian ministry over a mass shooting, Tyler O'Neil writes. On the podcast, a new state auditor unpacks plans to challenge woke investment policies. Plus: a vigil for those suffering in China; a stark warning for illegal aliens; a top Energy Department official's baggage claims; and Balenciaga ignites outrage. On this date in 1876,  Yale defeats Princeton, 2-0, as about 1,000 fans brave rain and wind to attend the first collegiate football game played on Thanksgiving. 
'Profound Consequences': Sen. Mike Lee Outlines How Respect for Marriage Act Will Affect People of Faith
By Daily Signal Staff

"We have current, real, sustained ongoing assaults on religious freedom," says the Utah Republican.
Focus on the Family Blamed for Club Q Shooting Despite Jim Daly Condemnation, Suspect's Nonbinary Identity
By Tyler O'Neil

"Their blood is on your hands," vandals spray-painted at the Colorado Springs headquarters of Focus on the Family.
Incoming Missouri State Auditor Outlines Plans to Combat ESG Policies
By Samantha Aschieris

A newly elected official says his emphasis as state auditor will be combating left-wing "environmental, social, and governance"—or ESG—policies governing investments.
At DC Candlelight Vigil, Chinese Emigres Express Fears for Relatives Under COVID-19 Lockdowns Back Home
By Samantha Aschieris

"If anybody gets a positive [COVID-19] testing, then the entire apartment complex are under lockdown," says Chen, adding: "I don't know if they can get enough food."
In Video, Border Patrol Warns Illegal Migrants: 'This Journey Is Deadly'
By Virginia Allen

Rows of unmarked graves are visible behind Chief Border Patrol Agent Jason Owens as he makes a plea to anyone seeking to cross the southern border to come to America illegally.
6 Points on Felony Theft Case Against Biden Administration's 'Gender-Fluid' Energy Official
By Fred Lucas, Roman Jankowski

Energy Department official Samuel Otis Brinton has been heralded by the Biden administration and media outlets for being one of the first openly "gender-fluid" individuals in a top federal position.
Balenciaga Scandal Highlights Rampant Sexualization of Children and Larger Porn Issue, Expert Says
By Virginia Allen

"We have countless numbers of pornography consumers, and they're going to get desensitized to the mainstream content," warns Lisa Thompson of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.
ICYMI: Senate Passes Radical Respect for Marriage Act
By Mary Margaret Olohan

Despite a key religious liberty amendment failing, 12 Republican senators and 49 Democrat senators voted in favor of the same-sex marriage bill, which "puts a giant target on people of faith."

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