How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves | Whitney Webb | The Glenn ...



How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves | Whitney Webb | The Glenn Beck Podcast

a campaign of Lies can hide anything and with the magic of disinformation
mysterious deaths can be quickly brushed off as suicides even when all of the
details don't add up and there's so many stories now that just don't add up
public assassinations can happen right in front of you and you'll never know who was really behind it or why as long
as the powers that be push a great narrative the same lie over and over and
over again Jeffrey Epstein infiltrated the highest ranks of every sector of power you are
going to learn a lot about the world today he was into law enforcement art
Wall Street Silicon Valley big business real estate philanthropy media academics
and banking he even wormed his way into high fashion he hung out with Nobel
prize-winning scientists and billionaire arms dealers movie directors famous actors journalists and lots of
politicians including heads of state not just here in America and he has a very
special bond with Bill and Hillary Clinton we still don't know who took part in his
many crimes and they are vast this is nothing short of political terrorism
theater facilitated by the media today's guest as you will hear
I just finished it and you will hear halfway through
I say maybe it's halfway through I said I think this is the most important hour
I have ever been a part of in broadcast I've done this for 45 years this is the
most important person and hour you can you can spend
today's guest has a gift for locating power and hunting it in its darkest
corners she realized that Epstein was not an anonymous an anomaly she is
somebody who has written two volumes on just him but you will see it is
connected to entire networks of power and influence a web of Elites who
operate under the principle that rules are for other people her two-volume book
One Nation Under blackmail the sordid Union between intelligence and crime
that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein is out keep your eye on this one she is sharp
she is a massive threat to powerful people if people will listen and do
their own homework and just explore what she's saying the game is up
she's the kind of writer who reminds the elites that they're not
actually above rules and we're not all a bunch of Rubes please welcome Whitney Webb
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thank you [Music]
welcome I am a huge fan of your work um uh you have covered some of the most
important stories I think um in my lifetime wow thank you and you
are so clear on all of them and most of these stories are the ones you can't get
answers on they're they're all the stories that the big and powerful want
to hide want you to not see what's really going on and it's
it's so frustrating because it's clear that these things are happening and
should be discussed you you worried ever about your safety
um no and the reason I say that is because I think you know um a lot of what we're facing is an
energetic and spiritual uh battle I guess you could say and
um I think in order you know if you're afraid of of these people yeah um you're giving them power over you and
I think really the only way to to win this is to have your commitment to you know what you're fighting for the good
about Humanity to be total right so good for you how old are you uh 33. you you write and
think and speak like you're 80 and very wise thank you you must have a good
parents um okay so I want to talk to you if we can in an hour I want to mention Bitcoin
get a little bit of that journalism transhumanism ESG the world economic
Forum we're not going to be able to get to all of it but we have to start with Jeffrey Epstein because the way you have
written about him it connects to a whole world of corruption yeah is he kind of
the Rosetta Stone yeah I think it's sort of like a meta Scandal you're looking at someone who
really had I guess for lack of a better metaphor had his hands and a lot of Pies right right so he was sort of at the
center of a lot of scandals but not necessarily at the top right I think he was more maybe middle management in a
sense but very Central to a lot of these things going on that sort of these um networks in which he
um in which he inhabits are involved in you know numerous acts of corruption simultaneously and he you know is there
involved in many of them but not necessarily at the top level right so was he was he a spy
I think he definitely had intelligence connections and there's a lot um you know to suggest that was the case
I think one of the most uh the earliest hints we heard of that was having a Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta under
Trump uh say that one of the reasons he was pressured into giving Epstein a sweetheart deal during his first um
arrest in in Florida was because he he had been told by unspecified actors that Epstein belonged to intelligence but
that's kind of you know what exactly does that mean was he an asset was he on the payroll which intelligence agency
multiple intelligence agencies when you have his close association with someone like Gillian Maxwell in the mix and her
father had affiliations with numerous intelligence agencies you know it really is an open question it was kind of a bad
guy reading your work about him and explain who he was uh so Robert Maxwell was
involved in many things but he definitely played a major role in undermining U.S national security by
selling bug software to nuclear Laboratories in the United States and this was directly facilitated by
well-known Statesmen in U.S history like Henry Kissinger for example and a lot of
the people I think that enabled him at least on the U.S side tend to be those that uh favor Global governance and you know
they kind of don't want the U.S to have that kind of Monopoly on on power because all of his family they were
killed in the Holocaust right right and so he he's in the west England he
survives becomes kind of uh William Randolph Hearst of
England yeah media Mogul sure yeah um and uh and then
betrays the west and that's not because he was on the other he wasn't on the
Soviet side he was on a global government side well I think there you have to look at this network and they've
evolved over time right uh Robert Maxwell is very close to the Eastern Bloc he had a very close relationship
with intelligence figures in the KGB and also Bulgaria he had a relationship with British intelligence and Israeli
intelligence and was involved in aspects of what later became known as Iran Contra which of course involves aspects
of U.S intelligence so I mean he had his hands and everything you know everywhere and everything and I think ultimately
people like him are interested in any deal they can make to advance their money and their power and their
influence they'll take it so Robert Maxwell was very interested in having his family be like the Kennedy family a
political power Dynasty and that's part of why he started moving into New York City around you know just a year or two
before he ended up dying and galane Maxwell was sent to New York sort of to be his Emissary wow and to the U.S and
he wanted her actually to marry a Kennedy and this is a test of two and you know past mainstream media reports and you know you can see his his efforts
to get her close to I think one of the sons of Robert F Kennedy um and also John F Kennedy Jr trying to
get her sort of in that social tier because he sort of saw that as you
know would Advance his power and also you know that of his children and I think if you look a lot at the psychology of Robert Maxwell he seems to
have had narcissistic elements and that could be because of the trauma of his past and a lot of times narcissistic
parents see their children as extensions of themselves and so you know he's looking at how to build an Empire and
using his children to that effect and you sort of see that with the psychology of Colleen Maxwell
was she part and parcel of from the beginning or
was she uh you know kind of a good girl idealistic comes over here you know
knows that Dad wants to put her into powerful positions but not shopping
women I I think it's a lot more complicated than that you have to look at her early history
um the favorite son of Robert Maxwell was originally Michael Maxwell he wasn't a vegetative state after a car crash I
think when he was 15 and that happened shortly after just a few days after galane was born so new her family
members and she herself have attested to that she was basically neglected for the first three years of her life and even developed a childhood anorexia
things like that and then you know not a few years after she becomes the favorite Child so she goes from having this
complete lack of Parental attention to being sort of showered in it by Robert Maxwell and that obviously has is going
to have a psychological impact on someone and in addition there's uh she was
basically managed by her father from a very early age he managed her tried to manage her
romantic life he tried to manage what job she would have and she was very dependent on him so when he is dead in
1991 it makes sense that she would attach herself to someone with a lot of the similar similar characteristics
right so Dad didn't know about Jeffrey Epstein wasn't alive at that point well
the allegation have been made by people that worked with Robert Maxwell um in the 80s that Jeffrey Epstein was
seen in his offices frequently in the United Kingdom and during that period of time it was known that Epstein was
active in the United Kingdom he was allegedly being mentored by a British arms dealer named Douglas lease with a
British intelligence connections yeah first of all you wrote two volumes yeah
a thousand Pages yeah I mean that is crazy amounts of work yeah I had my son
was born in the middle of it so it was really crazy you were there for that I imagine when your son was born
um so tell me a thousand pages and it's not there's no
fluff in it I mean it is it's dense it's very dense why is it nobody else is reporting on
this um well I guess I could I I don't really know exactly why that would be but the
the silence is very eerie about major aspects of the Epstein case
um you know it ended up being a thousand Pages because I was as I was writing about Epstein a lot of the connections
that came up I was I was just you know increasingly aware that a lot of people in the American public
um you know a lot of the names I was coming across most people weren't going to be familiar with correct you know um
Banks like the bank of credit and commerce International or BCCI the Scandal that involved or even things
like Iran Contra people may have heard the name but don't really know what it involved so I figured I was gonna have to go back and sort of explain that to
people so that type of context is a volume one of the book and um and also
the history of sexual blackmail and how it's been sort of an undercurrent in some past political scandals in American
history and how in in these sorts of networks in which Epstein was inhabiting that type of practice and exploitation
even of minors for those purposes was actually um disturbingly common so Epstein starts
to look less and less of a you know he's not an anomaly basically right um by the time you get through with
volume one and so volume two is sort of my effort to um you know dig up as much as I could
you know with stuff that's publicly available really about Epstein and also
his greatest benefactor Leslie Wexner and then also uh you know Colleen Maxwell okay so so uh this is just
there's a lot to discuss there's a lot to discuss here on just this because it's this goes to the Deep state or you
call it deep politics and it's been going on for a long time
but people I don't think realize that you know the born identity you know
those Jason Bourne movies that that is a reflection of some people's real lives I
mean it's a it's a totally fictitious story but those things do go on and
and I I I tell you I have I have felt for a long time with the just with the
NSA listening to everybody's phone calls if you're important in Washington
they're going to do everything they can to manage you to manage you yeah so if
you're not rock solid in who you are and what right and wrong really is they got
you yeah but even they don't you know today I think we've moved away from the type of
model that Epstein used for sexual blackmail it's an era of electronic blackmail and you don't even have to do
anything wrong they can just plant it on your devices and play gotcha that way so it's really an unprecedented situation
and a lot of these intelligence agencies as I know in the book you know really for decades have been totally out of
control um and you know I really start off the book talking about how intelligence agencies and organized crime in the U.S
got in bed together and really that symbiosis um you know it was originally Justified out of wartime necessity during World
War II yeah but it never stopped right right and it's um you know business is
business and some of these people in our own National Security State you know realize they could make a lot of money
working with organized crime and really shielding them and getting in on the spoils I guess you could say
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you know we think of in my idealistic years of thinking about
America I thought well we did some bad things yes and I'm not talking about slavery or anything else I'm talking
about things we did in war but we had you know we really didn't want to do those things
I'm not sure if any of that is true are the people involved in this stuff do
they recognize at all that this is evil or is this just business well I think when you're talking about an
intelligence agencies there's hierarchies so there's like people maybe low in different levels that may think
what they're doing is right and advancing American interests but then there's people at the top that aren't necessarily like that and it's about
advancing their own interests if you look at a lot of controversial intelligence operations and decisions
coups for example of the past a lot of it was justified as going against communist influence trying to to keep
that from growing but then some of these same actors like the Iran Contra types they ended up
getting involved with the Chinese government just a few years later in the 1990s and some of this blossomed into
what a lot of conservatives today remember is China Gate during the client Administration and things like that so you know they really have no allegiance
to anything except uh their desire to grow their own money and power are we ever going to find out who's in
the black book I don't think so I think the FBI has been compromised from the very beginning uh in the book I talk a lot about J
Edgar Hoover he was blackmailed by the mob he realized the power blackmail had started using blackmail himself and you
know increasingly the FBI and I think it's very obvious to a lot of conservatives now comes in to cover things up and to you know go after uh
you know figures that they you know don't want to advance in their careers
or you know any sort of thing it's it's very um it's very complicated so what do
we do as a country when you know there needs to be massive investigations of all sorts of stuff Jeffrey Epstein being one and you know the government is
increasingly capable incapable of investigating itself especially when you're looking at the FBI or something
can we just go through some names like Alan dershowitz and Bill Clinton and
Donald Trump what were they involved in uh so
um so each of those cases is really different but if I'm looking at you know I guess the one that's gotten the mo
gotten the most attention obviously are the former presidents right Trump and Clinton as far as I'm concerned the
Clinton Epstein relationship is much more damaging than the Trump Epstein relationship but they're you know are
obvious reasons for concern uh in both of them and I don't think it's uh you
know I in in trying to be objective you know I can't absolve one or the other but are you saying are you saying
because one is more damage because people don't understand it's not just the horrific evil sex trafficking that
was going on it's also massive corruption and financial Financial
crimes and yeah and that's particularly glaring with the Epstein Clinton relationship you have someone like Jeffrey Epstein that described himself
in the 80s as a financial Bounty Hunter he was hiding or finding looted money for powerful people that's coming from
him and he said this to numerous people there's numerous source is attesting to this so obviously he was very
comfortable with the offshore Financial system Shadow Banking and all of that and then in the late 80s in addition to
becoming involved with Leslie wexner's finances he is involved in orchestrating one of the largest Ponzi schemes in U.S
history the other person he worked with in that Stephen hoffenberg you know is arrested and goes to jail for that in
1993 Epstein's name is dropped from the case and he ends up at Clinton White House fundraisers
and one of those fundraisers is involved Hillary Clinton's effort to alleged
effort to refurbish the White House and this makes a brief appearance and Vince Fosters quote unquote suicide note the
only mention of Hillary Clinton in that suicide note is relating to her and khaki Hawker Smith redecorating and how
there was nothing wrong with the finances there if you're um you know listeners are familiar with
the Vince Foster situation and how Hillary Clinton her office was involved
in finding the suicide not when there was nothing in the briefcase and all of that later it's very interesting the only mention of her name would be in
trying to absolve that particular fundraiser of you know any wrongdoing which might have been Foster's
responsibility and that's Jeffrey Epstein's you know one of his first interactions with the white house there's a picture of him shaking hands
with Bill Clinton at that fundraiser donor reception and only UK media
covered that when it came out last December I gotta tell you it's pretty stunning I only see stuff that I kind of
trust from UK now I read any if there's any scandal going on in America I trust
the Foreign Press more than I trust Harper well isn't it stunning that there's a picture of you know the claim has been for a long time that the
Epstein Clinton relationship only really began after Clinton left office and then you have a picture contradicting that
and it doesn't get any coverage so how does there's something else there obviously I was shocked to learn from
you that Ron Brown I I remember he was a guy who
was on a plane going someplace Croatia yeah Croatia and it crashed and and
everybody was like that's another Clinton murder and I've never really bought into the I mean you wouldn't have
to push me far but I'm a fact guy you know what I mean yeah show me the facts um
unravel to understand the Ron Brown situation because it's tied up with that what I mentioned earlier China Gate
which was uh very difficult even for Congress to investigate the man at the center of it who was also the man that
Jeffrey Epstein met with repeatedly at the White House named Mark Middleton he pleaded the fifth 28 times including uh
to the question is was he a foreign agent and pretty much every key figure they
tried to subpoena also pleaded the fifth and there was just um you know it was
very difficult to investigate and even the George W Bush Administration the
first invocation of executive privilege of Bush's president was among other things to block documents about Mark
Middleton being made available to Congress and the 911 happens and everyone forgets wow it's it's very
amazing because Mark Middleton was not a high-ranking guy he was uh an aide to uh Mac McLarty he
was chief of staff and then a senior advisor to Bill Clinton so why are you having the subsequent president stepping in for Mark Middleton
there's obviously a lot going on there because at the same time that Mark
Middleton is involved in China Gate he's meeting with Jeffrey Epstein and Jeffrey Epstein in that period of time is
arranging for the relocation of Southern Air transport the Iran-Contra Airline from instead of going from Miami to
Latin America it starts going from Columbus Ohio where Leslie Wexner is based to Hong Kong
so are those events connected I make a case for that in the book and if if true it's very very disconcerting because
basically you know to summarize China Gate you have a mass transfer of sensitive U.S military technology being
made to China it's being paid for by the pla or the the Chinese military and Ron
Brown was at the center of that because the Commerce Department Commerce Department was signing off on you know
all sorts of so why was he then supposedly killed he uh shortly before
he was unexpectedly asked to go on a trade mission to Croatia he agreed to cooperate with an investigation into
this particular Network that was executing China Gate and the people on the U.S side that were facilitating
China Gate were people that were connected to the networks of longtime Clinton benefactors the riyadi family
and Jackson Stevens who you know were sort of political King makers for Bill
Clinton when he was governor of Arkansas it's how much crazy how much of what we
think we know is wrong or how big of a role is what we
think we know to what really is happening well I think there's been a major effort to control the media and
how much information gets to the American public about all sorts of things if you look at the Epstein case you're only allowed to talk about his
sex crimes from 2000 to 2006. don't look at his financial crimes or any of the
thing he did before the year 2000 is you know pretty much how mainstream media handles the case and that's pretty
you know there's a lot to find if you can go back farther so when you're you're looking let's just look at
Epstein for a second when you're looking at his circle of influence he is
somebody who's kind of recruiting just getting people on tape doing horrible
things or raising money so they're in the pocket right is that kind of his role I think that's part of it but at
the same time you know he's doing a lot of that he's also involved in financial Crim you know Financial crimes pretty
much throughout his career I mean that's the Common Thread from Epstein from the 70s right until his son know that if he
was working as an operation that would kind of be over I think it was known I
mean even in January 2020 you have John McCain's wife Cindy McCain saying we all knew what Epstein was doing right and
this is the wife of a senator with no direct connection to the Epstein Scandal so that means top people in our Congress
and Senate knew what Epstein was up to and nothing was done and so does that I
mean is there a big body count around Epstein yeah I think yeah I think there is to an extent uh Mark Middleton
who I just mentioned was found uh hung by the neck by an extension cord in May with a shotgun wound to the chest
um and it was ruled suicide in Little Rock Arkansas and a local Court ruled uh
pretty shortly thereafter that no video or you know photos of the scene could be publicly released
and this was only after you know Mark Middleton had been involved in China getting numerous other scandals but that
only happened just a few months after the visitor logs of him meeting with Epstein was released last December and
published by the UK's Daily Mail so that's one but that's one recently
you also have Jean-Luc Burnell who was a major uh facilitator of his uh sex
trafficking activities particularly when it came to the modeling industry um Turned Up dead in his prison cell
you've Epstein himself and then you have uh the son of Esther Salas who was a the judge overseeing the Epstein Deutsche
Bank case murdered at uh her home let's not just gloss over Epstein and
his death do you believe he hung himself I think the official
story is just uh I mean it's it's crazy uh personally because you know he he was
a tall guy he's supposed to have hung himself from something that's shorter than his standing height with like paper
thin sheets he would have had to curl up in the fetal position to hang himself and he's you're not going to do that
it's it's very uh it's logistically impossible we're supposed to leave all the cameras malfunctioned that night
um you know the prison guards were asleep it's a lot of coincidences
um so who would who who would we have to believe I mean that would have to involve
lots of government Lots sure but he belonged to intelligence and if you look
at you know someone like Robert Maxwell he died off of his yacht uh he had a lot
of ties to intelligence things were you know the walls were closing in on him and his own daughter Elaine Maxwell
thinks he was murdered uh by uh Rogue massage agents and Sicilian contract Hitman
and that's coming straight from his daughter that worked closely with him so if you you know if things get too hot if
you you know uh maybe work did work for them in the past but you become you know more of a liability than an asset you
know things sometimes happen every morning people all over the country wake up and live their lives
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I don't believe in the pizza gate conspiracy you know that there's an underground however
I I do think that there is real evil at the upper levels that yeah
we've been engaging in and all of us dupes out in the center of the country are like oh no you know I how much how
prevalent is the massive corruption and
the evil with well like I mentioned earlier the more
you look at the people that were around Epstein even before Epstein gets involved it becomes very clear that what
he was doing was not uh out of the ordinary for these particular groups especially like arms dealers like Adnan
khashoggi he had an alleged Harem of women that he used to Blackmail powerful people in the private and public sectors
on his yacht and all their sorts of types of people um Robert Keith Gray a PR executive that
started working for Adnan khashoggi around the same time at Jeffrey Epstein allegedly did has an alleged history of
sexual blackmail for the CIA and then you have allegations of Roy Cohn the
well-known New York mob attorney also being involved in sexual blackmail stuff begins working for Adnan khashoggi in
the same period of time in the 1980s I mean there are the more you look it's
it's quite uh it's prevalent but you know how prevalent it is I can't really say but it definitely does influence our
politics and that's disturbing is the is the Clinton Foundation involved in any
of this it's just so um I don't know exactly um you know those types of activities I
have no evidence for that and I haven't looked into it so I'm not going to say it's not happening but I I just don't
know because I haven't looked right um but when you like I mentioned earlier about the Epstein Clinton relationship
he goes from Ponzi schemes to Clinton fundraising then he's involved with a lot of the 1996 controversial
fundraisers that were investigated by Congress Clinton leaves office he's flying around in Epstein's plane setting
up the Clinton foundation and the Clinton Health Access initiative and even credits Jeffrey Epstein back in 2003 with designing a lot of the
philanthropy that became the Clinton Foundation specifically the HIV aids program so you have a Serial Financial
criminal creating basically the Clinton political slush fund Pro post presidency the the um have you seen any connections
in Ukraine there's this is just the hotbed of a lot
of really nefarious players yeah um I haven't looked into it specifically because a
lot of my timeline that I did for the book you know stops before years like 2014 when there was this you know
basically a coup um you know it was Victoria Newland and some of these people from the Obama Administration and all of that um so
unfortunately you know I haven't personally explored that but I think it's I mean even mainstream media before the recent uh conflict there was you
know pretty open about the corruption in in Ukraine so I don't know your politics
and it's not important to me what's important to me is your character and your work which is phenomenal
um but uh uh I'm guessing you and I don't necessarily agree on policies uh you
know maybe I don't know I just you know at this point I think my politics are I'm I don't want the government to be
run by organized crime and I think that's the starting point for most Americans let's start there right you
know that's what I was driving to is there are big things on the table that
no one's talking about and we're all focused on the little stuff they've used
to divide and conquer us this whole time and big things are happening and basically we are being herded into a pen
a techno feudalism yes slavery I don't know a lot of there's a lot of different names for it going around but it's not
good right and it's organized crime you know running the show at the highest levels and also people I mean yeah it's
just getting so dark and yeah you know I'm to the point where can you give me
nine of the top ten Bill of Rights you know what I mean do you agree with those give me some anything that is
all being destroyed all of them they don't mean anything anymore but those
are the things that can bring us together and they do I mean I'm sure
you're called a radical conspiracy theorist um
you know there's a difference between conspiracy theory and conspiracy facts
sure so I would call you conspiracy fact purveyor yeah uh I guess
so because conspiracy is a real crime and it's happening and it's been happening right and um you know a lot of
us are sort of fed this you know when we're in school and stuff sort of this naive I guess you could call it a fairy
tale version of History where there's no corruption everything's fine the mob disappeared decades ago nothing to see
here but that's uh not the real history of this country tell me before we leave
Epstein tell me why uh Maxwell's the life oh oh I think it's pretty
obvious she's going to cooperate with the people that supported that operation
and she's not going to spill anything she got moved from the prison where I think she was at the same prison where
Epstein died and now she's a what is has been described as a country club prison in Florida
uh that wouldn't have happened unless she was like yeah just leave me alone please I'll do whatever you want
all right let's let's uh I think she knows from her father's death who not true and who runs the show yeah
um how does this involve the regular person why should the regular person care about this kind of corruption
um in just talking about Epstein the financial crimes uh they're very significant and are just sort of a
microcosm of what has basically been the Looting of the American public for decades you look at people like
Catherine Austin Fitz and Mark Skidmore who have calculated about 21 trillion dollars of U.S taxpayer money that's
just gone missing uh from from the house of Urban Development and the Department
of Defense right it's probably more than that where is it being
where'd he go where'd it go yeah who took it I remember and it's still happening and now we're having uh the
standard of life in the US being degraded inflation's increasing the squeeze is on thanks to Manufactured
food and energy crises and I think a lot of the stuff we're seeing being built for us people are currently perhaps
unwilling to accept but when they're cold and hungry and desperate you're exactly right I think that some people
will be more willing you're not improving my mood much
well you know it's um we have to understand what we're facing in order to you know solve it right and a lot of
people with it I've been bringing this bell for uh almost 20 years now and saying wake
up pay attention look what's happening and it just keeps getting more and more
obvious and at times there are times you just like I how do you deal with it
um well I'm a mother um and I just uh I have to keep going I don't know I have to keep saying
something because my kids are going to live in this world right and there are certain things that I just find unacceptable and I think every parent
yeah proudly does at this point so you know it doesn't really matter anymore
um and I think also if you're looking at this from like the energetic spiritual level it matter you know
um we have to keep fighting because what's the alternative and what does that mean for us even after we're gone
yeah right so let me you know I first ran into you
um and your work I don't remember where I saw you but you were talking about transhumanism and this is something that
again I I think I was talking about this in the 90s and saying that's been going on a long time for a long time and
saying that this is what it life is going to head towards and it's not good
and we should probably have a conversation now you know we are on the
verge of this this is happening it it could be faster than ever yeah yeah it could happen 20 25 30 35 it's here now
yeah explain what transhumanism is and why it
is so dangerous yeah so I'll just uh probably start with the history of it um so there was a man named Julian Huxley
he's the brother of the famous author Aldous Huxley he was president of the British Eugenics Society the United
Nations has created um after World War II he is put in charge of UNESCO
in writing his vision for UNESCO Julian Huxley says about Eugenics we need to make the unthinkable thinkable again ten
years later he coins the term transhumanism in a book did he read his brother's work
um I'm sure actually that Aldous huxley's work was influenced by the type of social milieu he inhabited it would
include his his brother and uh you know sort of that those intellectual circles
uh where both of them grew up right you know this is the British aristocracy and really a lot of the idea of eugenics
going back to Francis Galton and you know Darwinism and all of that he seems to sort of emanate from from their
Fabian socialists yes yes um so in in a book in 1957 I believe
called new bottles for new wine something like that Julian Huxley coins the terms transhumanism and talks about
how the new Eugenics is going to be merging man with machine so this is basically Eugenics rebranded
and a lot of people that funded Eugenics causes of the past like the Rockefeller family or you know big proponents of
transhumanism today and it's it's getting uh increasingly problematic
um I would say you know if you look for example at the new head of the FDA who very few people have bothered to look
into Robert Calif he's the former Google Health executive Google Health has a
joint venture with GlaxoSmithKline called galvani bioelectronics I think
the former head of that was monster of silaui who was in charge of operation warp speed and their focus is what they
call bioelectronic medicine which is uh you know injectable
nanotechnology that can manipulate your central nervous system what are the implications of that we have the person
that just purchased Twitter making a brain chip company he's also a major contractor to the US military he has a
major conflict of interest with a Chinese Silicon Valley equivalents like 10 cent
um and you know he says I love this he says that's one of the reasons why I want to get off the planet
he says his work is to find a way to a compete against the transhumanistic you
know Folly um uh you don't believe that at all I don't I don't buy it no if you look at
that company they had animal trials many of them of the monkeys that was tested
and died after the brain chip was put in if that were my company I would
reformulate everything or shut it down if it was going to kill that many animals but it's already moved into
human trials I mean even though it's killing all the monkeys well it killed many monkeys yeah I forget the exact
number but a significant portion it's see I this is where it gets frightening well it's tied up with depopulation
right you have this being sort of the new uh path of eugenics and so you know I don't think these people ultimately
care about you know how many people are left right smart and right well Eugenics
is you I mean well people like to act like Eugenics disappeared and it hasn't it's
just rebranded and if you look at the history it's it's very clear and it's very disconcerting that's why everything
you're seeing that is coming out of policy all over the world ever all of
the all of the world economic forums seem so the the medically assisted death
originally it was going to be for terminally ill people now people are pitching it to homeless people in Canada saying you're too poor to live do you
want to kill yourself um how do we not remember what happened
last time well I think some of these people you look at the Rockefellers they funded what happened last time yeah
a lot of that uh money that was used to set up the Nazi Eugenics program came from the Rockefeller foundation and that's a matter of record they've tried
to go back and say oh we're sorry but they're funding a lot of this stuff now okay so
um I think you're getting the impression that maybe maybe you should prepare maybe you
should help with a parallel economy we may not be too far away from being
able to undo some of the damage that has been done
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you've read IBM in the Holocaust I haven't read it but I'm familiar with the relationship so
um he's a good dear friend of mine and uh you know it's the same thing it's the
same thing now giant corporations are in bed with all of this stuff and uh
someday they'll be hiding it and go no no we didn't do anything with that but I don't know if I don't think they even
have to now I mean if it really gets the transhumanist point and they can just manipulate um you know this is an attempt to
manipulate Consciousness yes really really so in memory and all of that I
mean they don't have to even bother with it anymore uh once it gets to that point
I talked to Ray Kurzweil once and and I said you put the nanotech note just help me out here Ray I'm a science fiction
writer you put the nanotechnology into me and you control it not me you control it and
I start speaking out about things that you and the powerful don't like why don't you just turn me off why don't you
just oh you know what and all that nanotechnology and I just die
sure and his response was because we wouldn't do that yeah let's
trust us how has that gone for the you know past hundred years or so right and
if organized crime are the people in charge are you going to trust them I mean they want us to trust in them if
you look at the world economic Forum or even in the bite Administration and a lot of their policy documents they're
one of their main focuses on our rebuilding trust with the public and it's not working yeah it's not but they
may be looking at drastic interventions to make it work and I think you know if we're transhumanism to uh be sure
shorehorned uh shoehorned through you know that could happen and if you're seeing this
um you know the sort of these mergers uh because there's many of them of Silicon
Valley companies and and big Pharma you know they're framing it as Healthcare but it's Eugenics Being Framed as
Healthcare and it's uh it's really terrible I mean it's terrifying it's
crazy there's a lot of words for it but you know ultimately uh it has to be stopped and unfortunately covet has set
this precedent where it can be mandatory or where you can lose your livelihood where you can you know not be able to
travel you can basically be placed under house arrest unless you agree to it if you don't I mean in the grand scheme
of uh where we've all been upgraded we're all part of the upgraded yeah I
don't think that's the intention that's how they're selling it to people if you look at this for example the British Eugenics Society where a lot of this
came came from you look at someone like H.G Wells best known as a science fiction writer but also a a value
Genesis he predicted that in a 100 to 200 years there would be two human races
there would be the um upgraded augmented Elite who were intellectual and
attractive and you know we're the ones that did everything and then a dwarf-like troll like squat underclass
that eats bugs ah and uh you know for people that have
been paying attention it seems like you know they're selling this is as one way it's all going to be a Utopia utopian uh
thing if we all upgrade I mean that's how it's Being Framed right but if you look at how these people think they
don't want that they're looking at feudalism and how do you create a class of slaves that cannot even cognitively
Rebel ever again it is why I mean it you know these teachers unions said oh we we
care about you know minorities and everything else they did more damage to a whole generation of minorities more
than they did kids in general into the yeah into the
gears of the machine I live in South America the lockdowns there were brutal everyone was under house arrest
basically you were only allowed out of your house twice a week with papers that you had to show to police you each paper
was good for like roughly three hours and my daughter goes to daycare she's
four and she was thankfully you know shielded from a lot of this and was able to have interaction and stuff but a lot
of kids weren't and a lot of kids for age and younger are non-verbal they scream like instead of talking I mean
they can they're it's it's it's devastating and the fact that these
people you know act like it was for the children or for public health when you know the evidence increasingly comes out and it wasn't you know it was it was for
something else and I think we're you know it's increasingly becoming clear what that something else is and was
what we're doing to farming the the the the the
ESG and World economic Forum plan is evil I mean I I don't I mean it seems an
overused word and it's one I swore off about five years ago I said I don't want
to call things evil because it it has to be evil is a different level but when
you're talking about controlling and dumbing down and enslaving and
destroying I don't know what other word to use for it and they've gotten away
with saying this this is conspiracy theory conspiracy theory well they just you know I think that's you know since
the the term really entered the American vernacular after the assassination of John F Kennedy it's been used to
basically claim that if you think powerful people get together to discuss how to advance their power and keep it
um at the expense of everyone else and that they have any agency um you know you're crazy it all has to
be a coincidence you know they have they never have any bad intentions the people that you know are the oligarchs that you
know fund our politicians and have ties with intelligence and have monopolies and you know uh
the technology that runs our lives and stuff like that I mean it's um you know I think at this point you
have to be quite naive to think that's actually the case but um so how do people like the
um New Governor I think of Alberta is standing
up against ESG and the first thing one of the first things she said was anybody that brags about how they have controls
and people in every government uh leaders office if not the leader
themselves I don't think we should be doing any business with them and ESG and World economic forum is out
um how does somebody like that survive somebody like Klaus Schwab
you know I think you know it's not just Claus Schwab I think cloud Schwab is sort of a man who is there to facilitate
I mean let's talk about the world economic forum for a second and what it is and what it's not they describe themselves as the premier promoter of
public-private Partnerships for lack of a better word that is fascism so
um then you have the family history of Klaus Schwab that his father ran a Nazi model company and funded the atomic bomb
and all of that and just very complicated stuff there and you basically have him being in this
position where he's promoting uh you know fascism on a global I mean he's a white kitty cat away from being a James
Bond Superman well but I think that's you know they want everyone to focus on him and think that it's just him and just the world economic Forum there's
other organizations that are promoting this too and also a lot of the you know the young Global leader program that's
not exclusive to the world economic Forum you know there's lots of other institutions with similar agendas
uh you know that uh sort of are related to the world economic uh Forum which
seeks you know not just public private Partnerships and fascism but uh Global governance you know there's a lot of
these organizations seating their people in in certain places
uh so how do you you know fight against this I think uh there are sort of like factional infighting uh to an extent and
it's really hard to know um how that's going at any given time
um but there's an obvious effort um by powerful interest to stop uh
nationalist politicians from reaching the highest level you think and yeah I
well I think it's pretty clear yeah yeah so um you know how do they stop that I don't know I mean unfortunately look at
the world economic Forum a lot of the banks are very involved and when you you know are in bed with the banks and the
banks are in bed with you um it's it's very hard to go against that in today's world
and you know they're making it uh even harder on the little people people in Canada that protested with the the you
know the trucker protest they were de-platformed not from social media but from the financial system and I think
that's going to become increasingly common it's already happening to a lot of people that I work with taken off of PayPal uh having trouble with their
their Banks venmo I mean you know sure and I think that's gonna you know become
increasingly commonplace and that's how they're going to try and force compliance and you know a big part of this you have to move towards the
Central Bank digital currency and all of that at the same time which is programmable money the state decides whether you save or you spend they
decide what you can and can't buy and all this stuff and all the central banks even on the you know in places like
Russia where Vladimir Putin talks a good game about nationalism and protecting our culture they're going full steam
ahead with that too it's the way you control a population yeah and I think all these governments
are really interested right now on domestic control so what does America look like at the
end China that is the goal of a lot of people at the highest levels of Silicon Valley in
our government I would say look no oh sure I I have friends who are industrialists and
they would say to me 30 years ago China's the new model and I thought that's a bad model we
don't want that they would just flippingly just if China's the new model it wasn't until 10 years later that I
started going wait a minute they mean that sincerely that how it works there
all of it is coming here yeah that's your plan for a long time we talked about China Gate
earlier the origins of Silicon Valley are in that whole mix and a lot of the most powerful
people in our military industrial complex including like Lockheed Martin were involved with that and wanted that
sensitive technology to go to China and undermine our national security they're looking there's something there was
something going on there then and I think we're increasingly seeing it now um I wrote an article in 2020 about the
National Security Commission on artificial intelligence they basically say that in order to be competitive and
artificial intelligence and secure economic and Military hegemony for the United States we have to go beyond China
in terms of their implementation of surveillance technology the use of artificial intelligence moving away from
private car ownership which they refer to as a legacy system in-person doctor visits to the AI powered alternative
this was in 2019. before coven covet comes along two years before that
I talked to the chairman of the board of General Motors and he told me by 2030 we won't be making cars as you know them
today we'll be making fleets yeah because people Uber yeah it's uh you know Ubers you rent and you can't
control where they go and they're only going to be in the smart cities you're not going between cities anymore no more
road trips no more you know you decide oh I want to go over here today I want
to drive three hours to see my family or whoever my friends that's that's over if these people win and the National
Security Commission on AI was run by Eric Schmidt former head of Google one of the the co-chair was a very top guy
that works closely with Schmidt that was at the Department of Defense and it's uh the intelligence Community the military
and Silicon Valley and those are the people increasingly running the show and
they think if we don't go beyond China's surveillance a system it's Mega City Smart City model
we will fail and then you have people like Elon Musk coming in and saying I'm going to take over Twitter for free
speech and then he also says I want to make Twitter into basically like WeChat which is you know and basically a
surveillance app to use in China that's for uh your finances your social media all pretty much everything
is on that app they even call it the everything app and that's his model and the parent company of that 10 cent is
one of Tesla's shareholders and you know most active advisors
so is that data going to stay you know that he's going to get from Twitter the new Twitter when it becomes a WeChat
equivalent is where's that going to go I mean there's a lot if you look at um you know the China connection here
it's you know when I was writing before I wrote the book I didn't realize the extent of the overlap but it's very
concerning uh you have people with major conflicts of interest running our national security policy on things like
AI that have conflicts of interest with China and they you know Eric Schmidt just wrote a book with Henry Kissinger
and these guys basically argue in order to avoid a war a cataclysmic war with China we have to make good and cooperate
with China and the model for that is basically you know the world economic Forum I mean they argue the same thing
Global governance and technocracy um following the China model here
and it's very against every Everything most Americans are accustomed to but
they're I I guess finding ways to manufacture consent for it whether the justifications climate change it's covid
it's a food and energy crisis that's been manufactured um you know whatever they can whatever
will stick they'll use but the problem is you're having the people that control Silicon Valley behind this they control
where most people get their information where most people socialize today and they're increasingly censoring people
from platforms they're waging basically a war on dissent that I've written about a few times and it's getting you know
increasingly orwellian to the point where you know they'll label you misinformation or you know this is disinformation uh but you know the Biden
Administration if there were in domestic Terror advances the way they've written it out you say the wrong thing or you
disagree with the state even or the official narrative you're uh you know inciting violence you're potentially a
domestic violent extremist right um and that's happened in history before not necessarily the United States but
other countries and you know it's pretty clear that once that type of policy gets implemented things go downhill very
quickly do you have hope at all that the if the Republicans could win it at
least slows it down I mean I think people in the Republic there's there's clearly people who go to Washington and
actually believe it and then are turned uh or they go to Washington they're
already a dirt bag and they know what they're getting into yeah and then there's a few that go and stand and are
trying to hold the line but they're a minority a big money or they get forced out correct uh if I'm not mistaken Ron
Johnson right um was the one that that challenged a lot of covet narratives and I mean even
mainstream media in PR are supposed to be objective says oh he spreads conspiracy theories and his Challengers
a rising star and you know I mean they're very clear about who they favor and who they don't and if they don't want you to win they'll gerrymander your
District they'll do so I mean there's lots of tools and that they can use to prevent you from
from staying in office and who knows what we'll see in the midterm elections But ultimately you know those type of
people that are willing to stand their ground and actually fight for the American people are very few
even in it doesn't really matter what party you're talking about it's very small number when you consider the
amount of votes needed to pass certain legislation so I think ultimately
the way out of this is for the American people to realize that we yes this is a
fight between good and evil but if you're looking for the good guys stop looking at people that are put on the TV
screens in front of you and start looking at your neighbors yeah and the answer is so clear
local local local local absolutely and this is really US versus them it's not left versus right anymore
we are so far beyond that yeah uh really and it's amazing and very heartening how
many people that I know and I interview that um
we would have we would have been against each other 15 years ago we would say oh you're and now it's like no no no forget
Oliver forget all of that yeah you know and it's heartening that people are
waking and starting to come together question is do we make it fast enough
I've been saying for a while this is going to be a photo finish I don't know which one's gonna I don't think anyone
really does and I think it comes down to how much responsibility people are willing to take for their own lives and
and you know how how far communities are willing to go to ensure that they're self-reliant and what does that mean to
you well if the banks are deep platforming people you can't use their financial system are you going to go to the cbdc
land where eventually you won't be able to spend money without like a microchip in your hand and all of this stuff you
know there's obvious red lines people can't cross how are you going to feed your family how are you going to keep your house heated in winter you know
basic needs I think we should probably be taking some lessons from the Amish to be honest I think right you know
that the Amish they're going to be fine they're gonna be fine we have
we have outsourced our needs to corporations that want to enslave us so
we have to start producing our own stuff at a local level it's all about exit and
build and that's what we have to do and the more people that do that um the better off we will be the real
question is how accustomed are Americans to convenience and will we be enslaved
by that convenience or not and I think that's the ultimate so far we have been a lot of people have been yeah
um talk to me a little bit about Bitcoin um so I'm you know not necessarily
um uh well-versed on cryptocurrency I do um uh I I like bitcoiners because we
tend to have a lot see a lot in common about um you know the state of government today and uh the Federal
Reserve for example Central Bank Central Bank digital currency um and all of that but you know because
I'm not particularly well versed in it I don't like to tell people how to spend their money it's a very individual decision
um you think it can survive uh I think the central banks the bankers and the
government will do everything they can to prevent a currency that threatens their power from actually being able to be used and I think we're already seeing
major efforts to make that the case you know they can make it illegal to uh you
know turn it into something else illegal to use is tender you know they they're looking at a lot of different
options um but you know some bitcoiners despite that think is totally possible but I
don't think I'm horrified to talk about that um you know I personally have you know um in terms of my finances like you know
some people donate to my work in crypto I have a little bit of that but you know I'm personally looking at trying to put
as much of my money as I can and things that will keep me and my family self-sufficient come what may uh which
in my case included like investing in land so I'm not renting I own where I live I have enough land to produce what
my family needs in terms of food stocking up on things that I can't produce
you know things like that that's where my money is personally going but I am not in the business of telling people
you know giving Financial advice beyond that but you know if the goal is to have
developed parallel systems so we're not dependent on the systems of the people trying to enslave us you know whatever
you think is a good way to get from point A to point B uh you know that's probably where your money should be
going if bitcoin's a part of that if you feel that way good for you and if not you know good for you too I think
ultimately what we need to do is um uh try and create something so that we can
be resilient and not have to uh I mean because the system is just so unacceptable
uh I mean it's an it's really not just in in it's not just against freedom and all sorts of other values right it's
just it's against nature it's against life really and so I mean if you're
going to support that you know I think people have to realize the consequences that come with that and exactly what it means
when you are are willing to give yourself over that kind of system the implications of that and I think a lot
of people don't really realize that or take the time to think about it and I think they should
are you God driven you is God a center of you yeah but I tend to think of maybe God
differently than most Christians I don't really see it as a person or as a man I see it as uh maybe the universe or the
creative Force right uh you know the energy uh that drives George Lucas and
the force I mean there's a lot of different ways you know to look at it but ultimately if you're looking at
Humanity what do you like about Humanity it's all the it's the creativity it's uh
the vivaciousness you know that's the stuff that I think we're fighting for uh and you know uh a lot of the guys behind
this want to to eliminate that I think a lot of transhumanism is aimed at creating like a drone-like Workforce
that will never be able to challenge their working conditions or ask for a bigger piece of the pie and it's amazing
to me that more people on on the left don't see that if they're all about workers rights and unionizing all right
you have a chip in your brain how's the how's you know workers rights going together how is Union
how are the unions in bed furthering all of this well I would say
that you just have to look back to uh the unions you know back in the 20s and 30s and 40s and how organized crime took
them over and that's really changed um so the big ones I mean you know um so it's um you know a lot of those
guys over the years have evolved to support these types of of policies because it's more control and money and
what does the mob love more than anything else right what
why is the left you know
I've always held libertarian more libertarian views when it comes to social issues I don't care who you marry
I don't care what you do I don't care who you love there's no no business of mine shouldn't be any business of the
government you know that was a progressive idea to have a marriage license from the government
um but we fought this and I remember saying to my my daughter who was in college at
the time she said Dad it's about love and I said I don't think it is I think it's about control and this argument if
we play it out you can't stop polygamy can't change one factor without changing
other factors and everyone said these things were crazy we we are now
transitioning kids because there's no gender identity
anymore we are sexualizing our youngest kids
what where is that coming from it's such a force if your ultimate goal is total
control you need to have a population that has no national identity that has
no identity period that that identity can be fluxed and can be moved whenever
convenient for the people on top if people have an identity and know who they are and know where they stand they're a lot harder to control and I
think if you make all of that fluid um at every level uh it's a lot easier to exert your will
over them because you know they they don't have their feet firmly on the ground right
I thought of this several times during this podcast I think this is the most impowerful interview I've ever done well
thank you yeah I mean I I hope people listen and
open their mind enough to go that can't be true I mean I usually
start my investigations on things going no way it
can't be I don't do that as often now because I'm seeing oh yeah it probably
is yeah um who were you before you started doing
this who I mean did you believe these things or have you found these things going oh my gosh and one leads to
another well I guess you could say that when I was younger in my teen years I'd have made her trust issue with adults
um and I just uh had a hard time I just didn't believe what I was told a lot of the time I had to figure it out for
myself and all sorts of things I guess that's sort of a lot of some teenagers
um are like that but I um you know around the time I was in university the last year or two I sort
of figured out a lot of things about um American history that's sort of hidden from us
um uh the government isn't exactly there to help necessarily
I don't know how we went from hey government is like fire with George Washington saying if you're in control
of it it's good if it's out of control it'll burn you to hey we're from the
government we'll educate your kids how could you possibly think a government is
going to raise kids who say be skeptical of us yeah well it's not you know look
at who has taken over education system you go back to things like uh the Rockefeller family or their role in
healthcare there's a lot of oligarch families that have very specific agendas that have really taken over government
policy and it's been like that for a very long time and they're not elected no one put them
in charge actually a lot of people used to hate the Rockefeller family until uh you know they started a major PR
campaign to Rebrand themselves as philanthropists that a lot of other unpleasant people have since followed
um and uh you know the long-term consequences of that we are seeing today
um but anyway um in terms of my background you know I was you know 21 22 and just looking
around you know I'm 33 so I'm a millennial right and most people my age
just you know I could see a lot of this stuff like um were too dependent on corporations that
have a lot of nasty uh agendas or do bad things there's a lot of issues a lot of illegal Wars no accountability at the
highest levels of government you know if people my age don't start doing something it's going to get really bad uh and most you know most people
were like stop talking about that I have Netflix and beer so I don't care everything's fine as long as you know
I'm comfortable basically you know screw your politics or screw your concerns and I just uh then wait I left the U.S after
that how can the same group of people that generation
claim that no you have to be an activist you have to be involved in climate
change and you know I'm going to sit down and glue myself to a wall like a uh you know yeah well that's the
activism that's put in front of young people today and they're being told that's what activism is and that that's
the activism that's sort of in Vogue because it's shown and treated by mainstream media as sticking it to the
man these people throwing tomato soup on paintings but you look at those groups I think they're called just stop oil
they're funded by the Getty and Rockefeller families in the family family you know made their money off of
oil but you know they have a long time interest in Eugenics and funding correct
um you know people that basically helped create this sort of new environmental movement that downplays uh pollution and
plays up carbon dioxide and that's all we should be worried about and you know it's human the biggest I think the quote
from the club of Rome is the biggest enemy of humanity is man and for furthering you know that narrative not
that you know it's not the corporations that pollute or even the US military is
you know even by you know climate change metrics the biggest contaminator of you know the planet and all of that it's not
about those guys it's just about the regular people but really what it's about is controlling how much energy
people can use and if you control how much energy a household can use you can control their economic activity you also
control how many family how big their family can get and I think that's ultimately uh what
it's about it's not about the environment for these people and a lot of it is uh you know Wall Street driven
you look at the United Nations a lot of the people they put in charge of a climate change policy you have Mark
Carney a former head of the bank of England and the Bank of Canada I believe uh he's one of the guys that came in to
rescue HSBC when they were caught money laundering for Mexican drug cartels not
exactly a good guy and it's very unlikely that he is driven by uh concern
about the environment and then the other person is Michael Bloomberg former mayor of New York and uh billionaire guy and
so these are the people I'm crafting the solutions and just like covid you don't have time to think about what we're
telling you you just have to accept these Solutions because if you don't something really really bad will happen
and it's the same it's a sort of a similar narrative to what you know was played out with covid and everything
guns cars everything yeah so you know people are being it's it's fear fear
given to get people to accept policies they otherwise wouldn't accept because they're told this cataclysmic event is
just down the line and trust us again is the conclusion of that so you know
there's people that agree with the narrative about climate change and there's people that don't and I'm not
trying to really get in that space when I talk about this stuff I'm trying to point out that the solutions are coming
mostly from Wall Street and they're things like carbon markets they're things like debt for climate swaps which
back in the day used to be debt for land swaps not about climate change you know about other stuff
and then you have people like Larry Fink of BlackRock and Michael Bloomberg and Mark Carney coming together in something
like G fan saying why don't we give Wall Street Direct Control of the IMF and the World Bank
for climate change you know right how can anyone on the left that's worried
about climate change sign up on that why don't they talk about planting trees why isn't Bill Gates the largest like
private land owner in the U.S now planting trees like crazy if he's so worried about carbon dioxide
um you know he he poo-poos the whole idea of planting trees as a way to combat climate change it's just carbon
markets and going to electric vehicles and all of this stuff but electric vehicles necessitates Mass Mining and a
lot of that mining is in places that use child labor or it's going to be so environmentally destructive you totally
destroy the developing World which you know these people on the left supposedly want to protect you're going to totally
destroy the environment I live in the south of Chile in the Andes it's one of the only areas in
Chile that's still like forested and really nice not polluted water any of that most of the mining in Chile is
historically in the north which has become very polluted and has a lack of water among other things and now the
mines are starting to move South because of this demand for more and more minerals for you know
electric vehicles and all of that a lake that used to be used for tourism uh there was some mineral I forget what it
is discovered in the Lakeshore and then the water just disappears one season and now it's ready to be mining right next
to a national park uh I used to live and work in Peru they were talking about putting a uranium mine next to Machu
Picchu and all types of stuff I mean this is uh going the mining stuff is not
being talked about and uh you know electrical vehicles are being marketed as necessary but it's going to come at a
massive massive cost and I think that you know again the environment then the
environmental movement is focused on carbon dioxide if they were really worried about the environment they would
also educate people on how destructive this type of mining is and what it does to the people who live there in the
environment and including in protected areas there's a lot of species in this particular area of Chile where I live
that are only there and they've uh you know been there for thousands of years and they'll not exist if a lot of this
mining goes forward but if you ask people like uh Bill Gates for example if you has a joint venture with most of the
other Titans of Silicon Valley called Cobalt metals they say all of the world's reserves of lithium Cobalt and
nickel must be completely mined if we even want to get close to the electrical vehicle Revolution so that means digging
up the entire Andes including areas that are national parks right now and uh even if they do with all the
reserves that we know that we have you're not going to be able to reproduce the amount of private cars and use today
it's going to be way less cars and so they're just going to be I mean the model's already sort of been out there they fielded it in the UK recently you
can't drive out of your district and all of that stuff it's going to be much more controlled the freedom of movement well
it's not really going to be freedom of movement it's going to be controlled movement
last question are you optimistic
um so that's a tricky question you know it sometimes you're working and writing on
this stuff I mean it's ups and downs sometimes you feel inspired sometimes you're like oh my gosh you know yeah
um you know but ultimately there's really no other way to be except to
believe totally in a better future um I mean we have to be totally committed to that if we're going to do
it and do it quickly and um you know I have a lot of hope uh that
um Americans when when things get really rough will come together at least most of us I think so too you know
um but you know in in the environment we're in right now I think it's incumbent on everyone no matter how
small or big your platform is to speak up about what is happening uh I think we
are past the time about worrying about what people say about you about at work
or at home wherever the president gave a speech last night and he I don't remember what he was calling people and
I thought but that just that is so I so I am so far beyond caring about names
and labels that anybody you know and I I think there are more and more people around the world that are like I don't
care I don't care what you call me I don't care you know what you do I I just
know what's true and I'm just not going there with you well the government wants
to Define what is true and what is not I wrote a recent article um about that in explaining some of the
calls to basically uh make it such um and it's it's you know even if they
try and do that and they try and say this is the state you know the state is defining truth and if you deviate from
that you are inciting violence um and all of that but the problem is people at a visceral level gravitate
toward the truth so they hear it and they're like oh that makes sense or they look at the sourcing or they investigate
for themselves and they realize what is true and what is not so you know the state and silicon Valley and there's
really not that much space between them to be honest at this point you know they can try and and censor and manipulate
and whatever but ultimately people are going to gravitate towards what is true and there's going to be a point where
they're not going to be able to really the tools they have now will not work and I think a lot of that is that time
will come once people stop trying to use these platforms that they are
manipulating and start just going out and talking to people they know we have
to get offline and we have to do it quickly maybe even get back you know in
circulating in print stuff that's printed I mean we really have to stop uh depend being so dependent on these on
these platforms that they're obviously manipulating I think everyone knows about it or they're censoring people from and they're using it to profile you
you know stop giving them your data and start getting in the real world and telling people uh what's what I mean
they may call you crazy but the stakes are too high to not do it that's how I feel thank you my pleasure thank you thank



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