Can you take a look at this?

Dear Fellow Patriot,

I'm reaching out to you today because 2023 is shaping up to be one of the most critical years for conservatives in recent memory.

Republicans may have flipped the House in this month's midterm elections, giving them a toehold to check the Radical Left and steer the legislative agenda, but this fight is far from over!

It's time to chart a new course forward for America. And right now, we must carry the momentum we've gained this year into 2023 and fight harder than ever to get America back on track.

On your behalf, Heritage is working together with leaders on Capitol Hill to defend your conservative values and advance innovative policy solutions to tackle the many challenges plaguing our great nation.

This year, your Giving Tuesday gift has the potential to have an incredible impact on the future of your country, state, and local community in 2023. Today you can help:

  • Stop the border crisis from reaching your front door …

  • Prevent the anti-life movement from codifying abortion at your expense …

  • Reign in federal spending to curb inflation and lower taxes …

  • Stop the Left from infringing on the personal freedoms of you and your family—online, in the classroom, and at the polls.

But if we fail to capitalize on this opportunity now, the Radical Left will stop at nothing to destroy the progress we've made.

To prepare for the contentious fight ahead, I'm seeking 1,000 conservatives who are willing to step up in defense of American freedom and prosperity by helping us meet our funding goal of $50,000 by midnight tonight. Will you join us on the front lines?

If so, you can make your special Giving Tuesday gift now by clicking this secure link:

I know there are many worthy causes seeking your support. But remember: when you support Heritage with whatever your budget allows today, your investment will have an exponential impact on creating a brighter, more prosperous future for you and your family.

Thank you for giving what you can—your support is the difference between building on this year's momentum or having all of our efforts derailed.


Kevin D. Roberts, Ph.D.
President, The Heritage Foundation

P.S. We cannot fight this fight alone: we rely on the individual support of hardworking people like you to continue leading the conservative movement into the landmark year ahead. And as a nonprofit who never accepts a dime of government money, you can give to Heritage knowing that your gift will protect your conservative principles. >>

The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE | Washington, D.C. 20002 | (800) 546-2843

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