San Francisco Aims to Strip Names of Founders, Lincoln, and Abolitionist From Schools

October 21 2020
Good morning from Washington, where President Trump recently called for a revival of patriotic education. In San Francisco, though, they want to erase the names of historic figures from public schools. Our Jarrett Stepman objects. In Seattle, anarchy-rocked businesses seek justice, Fred Lucas reports. On the podcast, court reformer Carrie Severino on the last stretch of a historic Supreme Court nomination. Plus: facts about a pro-China group that liberal media outlets don't want to hear; and a court ruling that upholds clean elections. On this date in 1921, President Warren G. Harding, a Republican, goes to Alabama to denounce the lynching of blacks in the Deep South.
San Francisco Aims to Strip the Names of Founders, Abraham Lincoln, and an Abolitionist From Public Schools
By Jarrett Stepman

San Francisco's real priority is changing school names to ensure that they all conform to the ever-evolving standards of the woke left.
CHOP Zone Businesses Pursue Lawsuit Against Seattle
By Fred Lucas

The lawsuit, filed by business owners, blames Seattle for providing concrete barriers, medical supplies, portable toilets, and other assistance to the protesters' makeshift zone.
Yes, a Pro-China Group in America Supports a Black Lives Matter Founder
By Mike Gonzalez

A writer for the publication Axios now has launched an attack on my reporting revealing links between the Black Lives Matter organizations and the Chinese Progressive Association of San Francisco.
Federal Appeals Court Reminds Judges Not to Change Rules Before or During Election
By Zack Smith

The Ohio case, like others this election season, involves the use of ballot "drop boxes" and restrictions that officials may put on them while attempting to maintain the integrity of state elections.
What to Expect Ahead of Amy Coney Barrett's Confirmation Vote Next Week
By Rachel del Guidice

Politics and biases explain the lack of public confidence in organizations and institutions such as the World Health Organization, the Commission on Presidential Debates, the Nobel Peace Prize, and more.
Destroying the Institutions We Inherited
By Victor Davis Hanson

Politics and biases explain the lack of public confidence in organizations and institutions such as the World Health Organization, the Commission on Presidential Debates, and the Nobel Peace Prize.
ICYMI: Liberal Totalitarianism Is Dominating College Campuses
By Daniel Mahoney

The forces of ideological correctness demand intellectual and even political conformity and seek out dissenting voices to humiliate and silence.

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