More Examples of Election Fraud Prove the Left Is in Denial About It

October 19 2020
Good morning from Washington, where lawmakers who scoff at the danger of election fraud should look into recent related arrests. Hans von Spakovsky rounds up cases. Crime is up under prosecutors elected with donations from progressive financier George Soros, Kevin Mooney reports. On the podcast, a co-founder of the Coalition to Save Portland tells how the group hopes to end the rioting there. Plus: 10 counties account for nearly one-fourth of coronavirus deaths; and the pandemic's ill effects on elections and churches. On this date in 1985, Texas entrepreneur David Cook opens the nation's first Blockbuster video-rental store in Dallas. 
More Examples of Election Fraud Prove the Left Is in Denial About It
By Hans von Spakovsky

Election fraud cases often involve absentee ballots. A New Jersey postal worker was arrested after an investigation found 99 absentee ballots in a dumpster.
Soros-Funded Prosecutors Put 'Social Justice' Above Law and Order, Analysts Say
By Kevin Mooney

Billionaire investor George Soros is a big donor to a super PAC that helped elect district attorneys who have overseen a dramatic increase in crime.
10 Counties With Most COVID-19 Deaths Account for 22% of Fatalities but 11% of Population
By Drew Gonshorowski

Three of the five counties of New York City still account for three of the five U.S. counties with the most coronavirus deaths.
This Marine Is Fighting to Save Portland From Ruin
By Virginia Allen

Gabe Johnson was one of the founders of the Coalition to Save Portland, which is standing with the Portland police and calling on local and state leaders to end nearly five months of riots.
Government Officials and Federal Judges Both Need to Be Reminded That There's No 'Pandemic Exception' to the Constitution
By Zack Smith

The 5th Circuit got it right that a federal judge certainly isn't the appropriate person to rewrite or second-guess a state's election-related decisions.
Ending California's Lockdown on Churches Is Compatible With Science and Good Health
By James Enstrom

California officials need to acknowledge decades of peer-reviewed epidemiologic evidence that regular church attendance is consistently associated with reduced death rates.
ICYMI: What Will Happen If Liberals Pack the Supreme Court
By Tim Groseclose

If the Democrats do as many of their leading members want them to do, we will no longer have a legislature and a supreme judicial branch. We will essentially have two legislatures.

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