Amy Coney Barrett Joins Supreme Court After 52-48 Senate Vote

October 27 2020

Good morning from Washington, where President Trump savors Senate confirmation of his third Supreme Court justice in four years. We've got Fred Lucas' coverage of the swearing-in of Amy Coney Barrett, and commentary on the high court's newest member from John Malcolm and GianCarlo Canaparo. On the podcast, an Illinois congressman has his eye on election fraud. Plus: YouTube suppresses a video about COVID-19 shutdowns; the racket of "stimulus" spending; and a silly coronavirus-themed attack on Barrett's nomination. On this date in 1904, New York City's subway system opens with Mayor George McClellan taking a turn at the controls.

Amy Coney Barrett Joins Supreme Court After 52-48 Senate Vote
By Fred Lucas

Amy Coney Barrett, fresh from a Senate confirmation vote, is sworn in as the Supreme Court's newest justice in an outdoor ceremony at the White House.
The Triumph of Justice Amy Coney Barrett
By GianCarlo Canaparo

Above all else, we celebrate Amy Coney Barrett the person, because everything we've learned has only strengthened our conclusion that she will be a superlative Supreme Court justice.
YouTube, Vimeo Censor Conservative Entrepreneur's COVID-19 Video
By Virginia Allen

The episode of his show in question argues that "the harm caused by the lockdown vastly exceeds the benefits of protecting people from COVID-19," host Bill Walton says.
Why Voter Fraud Is a Real Threat in Next Week's Election
By Rachel del Guidice

Is election security really at stake? Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., digs in.
Stimulus Spending Benefits Politicians, Not Taxpayers
By Star Parker

The majority of the American public has bought into the idea that government can solve their problems.
Using COVID-19 to Attack Barrett's Nomination Is Beyond Absurd
By Chuck Donovan

With no more evidence than is supplied in other fairy tales, a former presidential speechwriter suggests that pro-lifers accept "tens of thousands of unnecessary COVID-19 deaths."

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