Putin's Revenge: Re-Electing the Democrats

Putin's Revenge: Re-Electing the Democrats So the U.S. Collapses Like the USSR, Part I; WWTD: What Would Taylor Do? 'Swifties' and Faith; and more …
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February 25, 2024

Putin’s Revenge: Re-Electing the Democrats So the U.S. Collapses Like the USSR, Part I

Jason Jones & John Zmirak

February 21, 2024

As we observed here last week, the Russian national sport isn’t football. It’s chess. That’s a game where the guy who can think not just two moves but ten moves ahead wins every time. And watching Tucker Carlson interview Vladimir Putin, then traipse around Russian supermarkets and subway stations goofily raving about their cleanliness, brought that truth painfully home.

Tucker Carlson is the most important journalist in America. He’s smart, courageous, principled, and he got played by Putin.

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WWTD: What Would Taylor Do? ‘Swifties’ and Faith

Shane Idleman

February 21, 2024

Let me start by saying I like Taylor Swift because I like people. Most are aware of her astonishing fame: She is one of the most prominent music celebrities of the 21st century and has millions of devoted followers known as “Swifties.” Additionally, Taylor Swift says that she is a Christian.

I’m not writing this to shame or criticize her, but to help her and others. How do we help people if we don’t speak the truth in love? Silence speaks volumes.

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Meathead, Meet John Q. Adams, ‘Christian Nationalist’

David Marshall

February 19, 2024

It may be unfair to recall that Rob Reiner became famous as “Meathead” in the classic comedy All in the Family. Since then, he’s led a storied Hollywood life, acting in several movies, and directing Stand By Me, Princess Bride, When Harry Met Sally (OK, can’t win them all), and that grand Nicholson v. Cruise fireworks display, A Few Good Men

Now he has a new documentary out, “God and Country.” The point of the film seems to be that the two should sue for divorce. Can Meathead handle the truth? (To steal a line from his best film.)

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God Bless MLB Spring Training

Tom Sileo

February 23, 2024

Warm sunshine. The crack of the bat. Fleeting hope that your favorite MLB team actually has a chance to win the World Series. At long last, Spring Training is back.

While millions of baseball fans across America look forward to Spring Training, it is even more special to those of us who live in Florida and Arizona. While growing up in the chilly northeast, I never imagined being able to regularly attend professional baseball games in February and March. The fact that my favorite team trains a mere half hour from my house is the icing on the cake.

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