The Problem in Portland Isn’t the Law—It’s the Lawlessness

Jul 25, 2020

Good morning from Washington, where federal law enforcement agencies are poised to defend federal property in some U.S. cities from rioters. The left's behavior isn't "protesting," David Harsanyi writes. Plus: what a vote-by-mail mess in Jersey bodes for Election Day; how COVID-19 affects the nation's defenders; and the U.N.'s human rights panel finds a new way to push abortion. On this date in 1965, American folk singer Bob Dylan, 24, "goes electric" at the Newport Folk Festival in Rhode Island, sparking boos and jeers from a startled audience. Have a terrific weekend.

By David Harsanyi

The mayors who surrender parts of their cities to left-wing "protesters" are tacitly endorsing lawlessness themselves.
By Jason Snead

Paterson, the Garden State's third-largest city, is mired in a burgeoning election scandal. One in 5 ballots have been rejected. The local NAACP has cried foul. Four men have been charged by the state's attorney general with criminal election fraud.
By Peter Brookes

Many military exercises and training events, especially overseas, have been delayed or canceled due to the concerns about spreading the virus nationally or internationally.
By Elyssa Koren

U.N. data maintains that 5 million women in 25 low-income countries have received "sexual and reproductive health services" as a result of the U.N.'s pandemic aid. The "services" are defined as including abortion.

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