The latest issue of National Review is available

The new August 10, 2020, issue of National Review is off the printing presses ...

July 24 2020



Inside the August 10, 2020, Issue of National Review

Jack Fowler

The new August 10, 2020, issue of National Review is off the printing presses and on its way to thousands of mailboxes here and abroad — but for those who have NRPLUS subscriptions, the issue, in its entirety, is available for reading immediately. Curious as to what lies between the covers? You'd be right to be, so we're offering a few glimpses and suggestions as to the impressive contents. We suggest you consider Christopher Caldwell's cover essay, “The Prophet of Anti-Racism,” about Ibram X. Kendi, the best-selling author who says it's racist to disagree with his strategy of fighting discrimination with discrimination. Elsewhere in the issue, there is Victor Davis Hanson's review of the Trump administration's foreign policy, Nina Shea's report on Red China's efforts to suppress Christian churches, and Ramesh Ponnuru's critique of the Chief Justice and his emphasis on safeguarding the High Court's prestige. And maybe wander into the Books, Arts & Manners section to check out Alex Trembath's review of two new books that call out climate alarmists, and the acclaimed playwright David Mamet's lockdown reflection on a few old books.

If you are not an NRPLUS subscriber and want to read all these pieces, and the other gems that accompany them in the new issue, well — once you've read three, you'll have hit your monthly freebie limit. That applies not only to magazine content, but so much more exclusive material that NR publishes. The solution is an NRPLUS subscription, which you — admit it — have been planning on getting. Do that right now, right here.

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