Stand for liberty. Sign your Conservative Declaration today

The Heritage Foundation

Dear John,

In just one short week, Americans will be asked to decide on one of two opposing visions for America's future. Which is why, as we enter this crucial election, conservatives must unite and make our voice heard.

The political winds appear to have shifted in our favor. But we cannot rest easy. Our children, our grandchildren, and the future of our nation depend on how we respond to the current challenges facing our nation. If we stand together, we will not fail.

That’s why I’m inviting you to join in solidarity with your fellow Americans and sign the Conservative Declaration -- a momentous document clearly articulating the conservative values and principles that you believe in.

By adding your name, you pledge to:

  • Stand up for the principles on which our nation was founded -- free enterprise, individual liberty, the right to private property, religious freedom, limited government, and a strong national defense.
  • Stand against the radical liberals in Washington who are seeking to dismantle our personal freedom by replacing it with an over-reaching centralized government.
  • Stand alongside thousands of conservatives across the country who share your principled beliefs.

The Heritage Foundation, America's leading conservative policy organization with more than 600,000 members, will use your name to make the irrefutable case for changing America's course.

It’s clear that the size and scope of government have shifted dramatically over the past half-century, but it’s not too late to roll back liberal policies . . . if we act today!

Sign the Conservative Declaration and be part of a movement that is ushering in a new era of enduring freedom and prosperity.

Thank you for your support as we defend freedom for future generations.

Jim DeMint

The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE | Washington, D.C. 20002 | (800) 546-2843

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