It's Officially Your Last Chance to Book the NR Cruise


Dear Friends and Wanna-Cruisers,

You've heard from me plenty of times about the National Review 2014 Post-Election Caribbean Cruise. Even at this late date, I am confident there are hundreds of folks still considering joining us for the amazing week of conservative revelry and scintillating conversation of current events and the aftermath / fallout of the November elections.

This is my final nudge, because our allotment of cabins is about to go ... poof! (After the poof, if I still nudge, that'd make me a nooge, capisce?) So why don't you shift from "considering" to "going" and get one of the few remaining staterooms right now?

You can do that at

Do it. You know you want to. Here, let me motivate you — I want you to get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out, and yell, and say it: "I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO NOT TAKE THIS CRUISE ANYMORE!"

Well, maybe that's not so motivating. And the double negative is confusing as heck. But you get the point. 

Join us (and by "us" I mean over 500 people, including great speakers like Victor Davis Hanson, Jonah Goldberg, Jon Kyl, Mona Charen, Rich Lowry, Cal Thomas, and dozens more) this November 9th to the 16th on Royal Caribbean's Allure of the Seas for what is going to be the conservative event of the year, and a true once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Call The Cruise Authority at 1-800-707-1634 if you'd like a little help in getting your cabin booked (the good folks there can also assist you with your air travel and other plans). And feel free to email me at if you'd like me to answer any questions.

See you in November!

All the best,

Jack Fowler
Publisher, National Review

To read more, visit

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