Hangover in Higher Ed

National Review

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Please find this special message from our sponsoring advertiser, the National Association of Scholars. This important support affords us the continuing means to provide you with National Review's distinctly conservative and always exceptional news and commentary.

National Review, Inc.

Good morning!

peter wood.jpg The academic establishment has a hangover.  The binge began on a Friday night sometime around 1965 and continued for a few dizzying decades of extravagant spending and even more extravagant politicizing.  But in the gray morning light of 2014, things look different. 

Is higher education a lost cause for conservatives?

The National Association of Scholars (NAS) doesn’t think so.

We are the nation’s leading independent group of academics and concerned members of the public who uphold the standards of a liberal arts education that searches for the truth and promotes citizenship.  We’re a watchdog for higher education and, as the campus authorities tend to see us, troublemakers

Actually we’re the cure for the hangover.  We stand for the restoration of genuine liberal arts education, and I invite you to join us in this noble work by becoming a member of NAS today. The moment is ripe.

What new follies will this academic year bring?  More sexual assault rules.  More calls for divesting in fossil fuel companies.  More campuses shut down for a day because of “hoax” crimes.  More efforts to shut out critics of the campus quo

Whatever happens, the National Association of Scholars will be on top of it. 

NAS is growing and attracting a new generation of members who are fed up with the we-know-best attitude of the academic establishment. I’m inviting you to help us build on this success by joining NAS today. Membership is open to all who agree with our principles and entitles you to a host of great benefits.

And now is an excellent time to make that effort. The progressive regime in higher education is showing its age and is increasingly defensive and unsettled.  It has tried to institutionalize itself but it won’t last.  Our task is to build a worthy alternative. 

NAS membership is open to all who agree with our principles and entitles you to a host of great benefits. Join us today by clicking here.

Peter Wood, President
National Association of Scholars

P.S. Joining NAS is easy and only takes a few minutes. Click here to become a member today. As a member of NAS you will be building the countermovement that upholds genuinely open inquiry and the intellectual legacy of Western civilization. 

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