Will you join us?

Dear Fellow Conservative,

Will you do your part to save our country?

You know how critical this year is for America. The radical Left is destroying our American way of life.

But hope isn't lost.

By joining the Heritage Foundation Leaders Club, you can help save our country from the terrible threat of the radical Left.

But we need you to be one of 250 patriots to step up today.

The Heritage Foundation Leaders Club is an elite group of conservatives that support Heritage's work through monthly donations. Your monthly giving will help expose voter fraud and hold its perpetrators legally responsible through The Heritage Oversight Project.

You'll help train thousands of patriots to serve in the next presidential administration and enact policies that will close our borders, reduce crime, and lower prices.

We need your help right now to make the maximum impact for our country.

The earlier you give in 2024, the greater your impact.

Given how important this year is for America, I hope you will accept this invitation to join the Heritage Foundation Leaders Club using the secure link below.


If you make a monthly gift of $10 or more, we will also send you a pocket U.S. Constitution.

Your monthly giving is key to saving our country. Please act now for the sake of America's future.


Tony Johnson
Director of Membership

P.S. Join The Heritage Foundation Leaders Club now to maximize your impact in this critical year for America: https://secured.heritage.org/join-the-leaders-club-today/

The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE | Washington, D.C. 20002 | (800) 546-2843

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