$20 Minimum Wage Folly

Plus: Economic Growth in First Quarter Was Even Worse Than Previously Thought
May 30 2024
$20 Minimum Wage Folly
By John Stossel

California leads the nation in imposing dumb wage laws, raising the hourly minimum wage for fast food workers to $20—leaving higher prices, fewer jobs, and lower wages in its wake.
Economic Growth in First Quarter Was Even Worse Than Previously Thought
By Will Kessler

Economic growth figures are revised downward in the first quarter from 1.6% to 1.3% year-over-year. Worse, economists originally expected growth at around 2.2%.
Biden's Democracy Smoke Screen
By Star Parker

President Biden makes no speech without mentioning the importance of democracy to our nation, yet his actions show it's just calculated lip service to democratic ideals and political liberty.
CLIMATE COLLUSION?: Blue Cities, Law Firms Salivate Over Prospect of Windfalls From Fossil Fuel Lawsuits
By Nick Pope

One state agrees to pay a law firm 16.67% of the first $150 million it recovers in a climate lawsuit against energy companies such as ExxonMobil—and 7.5% of any additional money.
Reason No. 3 the Left Wants Open Borders—Extortion for Amnesty: The BorderLine
By Simon Hankinson

The Left pushes for open borders and mass illegal immigration as a means of political extortion to pressure politicians for mass amnesty.
ICYMI: Former Prosecutor Weighs in on Jury Deliberations in Trump's Criminal Case
By Virginia Allen

"Even though Donald Trump is facing a very unfavorable jury in this case, [former Trump lawyer] Michael Cohen's testimony on the stand was absolutely disastrous," says Zack Smith, a former prosecutor.

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