It starts today, Friend

Dear Fellow Conservative,

Are you worried about our country's future?

You're not alone.

Our country was founded on liberty, self-governance, and traditional American values.

But today, the radical Left is doing its very best to destroy our country and its timeless principles.

They're turning America into a Marxist tyranny.

Thanks to their destructive leftist policies, millions of Americans suffer every day from illegal immigration, skyrocketing prices, and rampant crime.

But hope isn't lost.

That's why today I'm announcing a drive for new Heritage Leaders Club members.

I'm looking for 250 patriots to step up and join the Heritage Foundation Leaders Club.

You can help save our country from the radical Left by joining the Heritage Foundation Leaders Club using this secure link:

The Heritage Leaders Club is a core group of conservative patriots who contribute monthly to the Heritage Foundation's vital work.

Your monthly contributions starting today will help create policy solutions that improve American lives, train patriots to serve in the next presidential administration, and educate millions of Americans on why conservative ideas are best for America.

The earlier you join the Leaders Club, the greater impact you can have for our country in 2024. Your monthly support today will fight back each day against the Left's Marxist ideology that is ruining our country.

And as an added bonus, when you join the Leaders Club with a monthly gift of $10 or more today, we will send you a FREE pocket U.S. Constitution!

Please join the Heritage Leaders Club today using the secure link below.

The clock is ticking in this crucial year for America, and your support is more important than ever. So please answer the call and do your part to help save our country today.


Kevin D. Roberts, Ph.D.
President, The Heritage Foundation

P.S. The radical Left is destroying everything our great nation stands for. You can fight back today by joining the Heritage Foundation Leaders Club using this secure link:

The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE | Washington, D.C. 20002 | (800) 546-2843

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