I need you to see this

Dear Fellow Conservative,

Do you have a quick second? I need to show you this.

America is in dire straits. But we at Heritage have a plan to save our country. And you can fuel that plan today.

In the graphic below, you'll see how you can contribute to accomplishing major goals for this critical year.

Our comprehensive plan will dismantle the deep state and enact policy reforms needed to reverse all the damage the radical Left has done to our country.

That's why we need 250 patriots to step up today during our Leaders Club membership drive.

When you join the Heritage Leaders Club, your monthly giving will ensure our efforts to eliminate voter fraud and train conservative leaders are complete in time for Election Day and Inauguration Day.

You will help us hit these key milestones throughout this critical year and save our country from the radical Left.

Please help us complete this critical rescue plan for America by joining the Heritage Leaders Club using the secure link below.


This month only, when you join the Leaders Club, we will send you a FREE pocket U.S. Constitution as a token of our gratitude for your commitment to saving our country.

Thank you for helping us defend America's founding principles.


Tony Johnson
Director of Membership

P.S. We need your monthly support to complete our rescue plan for America. Please join the Heritage Leaders Club using this secure link: 

The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE | Washington, D.C. 20002 | (800) 546-2843

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