Oyez Oyez Vey!

Dear Friend,

As we wind down our end-of-the-year Webathon with a Top 10 list of reasons you should support your favorite conservative website, we'll designate #3 as this: Bench Memos!

An acquired taste? Heck no: With the Constitution and the Rule of Law under relentless attack by the Left, the one place conservatives can (should!) turn to daily for news and guidance (and unrivaled SCOTUS analysis) is NRO's venerable blog, its wisdom constantly replenished by a team of big legal brains led by Ed Whelan, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

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Bench Memos is highly influential and educational too: Its regular feature, "This Day in Judicial Activism," makes for bracing reading -- we highly recommend it.

We also highly recommend that those who make NRO their second homes -- and there are hundreds of thousands of you who do such -- realize that all NRO's critical writing and commentary does not come out of some magic machine that replenishes on demand, at no cost. NRO is free, yes. But if you believe that, then so are government lunches.

So how about you toss a few our way, if only to acknowledge the sheer volume of enjoyable and enlightening material you have gleaned from NRO in 2015? You can accomplish that right here, right now. Thanks.

Need another incentive? Well, the last 10 days of 2015 are the setting for a drive to raise $25,000 to fund a part of NRO's critical Social Media Outreach Project, which will afford us the means to bring NR's all-important wit and wisdom to hundreds of thousands more Americans. To date, over 350 have donated (God bless you!) about $20,000 towards this goal.

Help us raise these final dollars, whether $25, $50, $100, or more, and be assured that by doing so you are keeping NR in the critical fight that needs to be fought -- as they say, now, more than ever.

Hey: It's the Fifth Day of Christmas. I'm hoping you score those five golden rings.

All the best,

Jack Fowler
National Review

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