My Grandfather Escaped From Communist Romania. Here’s His Story.

Apr 20, 2020

Good morning from Washington, where, like you, we're learning about the importance of antibody tests in fighting COVID-19. Dr. Kevin Pham shares the main points. On the podcast, a pastor's view of how we'll recover from the pandemic. Plus: a memorable fire in a Ukrainian hot spot, China's iron fist, and a successful engineer's flight from another communism regime. Ten years ago today, an explosion and fire aboard the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico, about 50 miles from Louisiana, kills 11 and sparks the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history.

Special Feature
By Kevin Burkett

The road to freedom was treacherous, and many who made it on one train were caught on the next, at a station, or at the border.
By Kevin Pham

Returning to a semblance of normalcy in this country will require the ability to gauge a person's immunity status to the COVID-19 virus using serology tests—that is, blood tests that detect antibody levels.
By Virginia Allen

As America and the rest of the world face the challenges and fears created by COVID-19, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez says it might be helpful to view this time as a "reset" or opportunity to refocus our priorities to what truly matters.
By Nolan Peterson

With Ukraine still on lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, massive wildfires, including one within the Chernobyl exclusion zone, sent clouds of potentially radioactive smog into Ukraine's capital city of Kyiv on Thursday.
By Rachel Greszler

Granting states additional, and largely unrestricted, funds would reward and encourage fiscal recklessness, and set a dangerous precedent for federal taxpayers to pay for an ever-increasing share of states' budgets.
By Jarrett Stepman

After the SARS calamity in 2003, China implemented more controls on society, especially news media and social media. China's growing wealth enabled it, perhaps counterintuitively to some, to do this more effectively.

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