NRO Digest: The GOP should speak up about women in combat

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NRO Digest

January 31, 2013
Today on National Review Online . . .

THE EDITORS: The GOP should speak up about women in combat. AWOL Republicans

: The bipartisan agreement about America's role in the world is coming to a close. War Is Like Rust.    


CONRAD BLACK: Some thoughts on Inaugural Week. The Obama-Clinton Credibility Gap. 


ARTUR DAVIS: Republicans need to make the case to Americans that conservatism advances their interests. Reaching the Valleys.

: The New York senator uses a dreadful analogy to advance his gun-control argument. Schumer's False Fire

: What a middle ground on abortion could look like.  Pro-Choice and Pro-Life.

ANDREW STILES: The defense secretary nominee will face some tough questions. Hagel vs. the Committee

JIM TALENT: If the former senator thinks we should change our Israel policy, he should say so. Chuck Hagel, Israel, and American Power.

JOHN FUND: Detroit is dying, but refuses to take its medicine. America's Suicidal Cities 


MICHAEL BARONE: A comprehensive immigration bill might work this time around. Why This Is Not 1986.

JILLIAN KAY MELCHIOR: The agency's push to artificially create a market for cellulosic biofuel is out of control. The EPA vs. Reality.

BETSY WOODRUFFWhat the GOP should do to keep Texas red. Purple Texas. 


CLIFFORD D. MAY: An Israeli city in Hamas's crosshairs. Under Fire.

JOSHUA R. HENDRICKSON: Bankers need better incentives -- ones that limit risk, not encourage it. Reshaping Bank Incentives.

INTERVIEW: Mitch Pearlstein discusses ways to support a marriage culture. Family Ties.

JASON EPSTEIN: It's a little early to assume accusations will taint the Yankees World Series record. A-Rod May Have Lied? So What?

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