By Hal Morris
February 15, 2021

PART III-Politics

The Democratic/Socialist Party, led by President Biden and Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ortega Cortez, and Elizabeth Warren, have fallen in love with the "Green New Deal," which was politically promoted by a congressional newbie Alexandria Ortega- Cortez known as AOC. Using a wild prediction that the world will end in twelve years, she promulgated a national discussion of her ideas because of global warming, climate change, etc.

Even though the science on which they base their positions is flawed, their adherence to climate parrots Alinsky, founder of the movement, to never let a crisis go to waste to achieve a goal. So they promoted a crisis to achieve their political goals of economic and political change.

Newly elected President Biden, prodded by the extreme left using executive orders, has moved quickly to implement progressive energy policies. To understand this movement better, one must recognize, because of a clever public relations effort, that the world is focused on Carbon Dioxide (C02), or carbon footprint, as the villain that is causing the end of the world.

Most governments either have or are in the process of establishing policies and legislation for fossil fuel reductions either through direct or indirect taxes or reduction of products tied to the production of fossil fuel emissions. These actions reinforce the practice of implying that current natural climate change events, which have occurred since our planet Earth was created, is unnatural. They reinforce their concepts through governmental subsidies for alternative energy producers in line with the UN-ICCP objectives' of globalism and equity for all, despite a growing body of evidence that previous scientific conclusions that the increase of Carbon Dioxide caused by the burning of fossil fuels is the cause of the problem are being disproved and false.

Before we move ahead to the political attempts to solve the climate activists' fallacious beliefs, we have to convincingly put to bed the claim that rising Carbon Dioxide caused by human burning of fossil fuels will cause a greenhouse effect. The first point is that Al Gore, in his presentations of An Inconvenient Truth, deliberately misrepresented the correlation between Carbon Dioxide and temperature with his contention that a consensus of scientists supports the increase of Carbon Dioxide temperature exists.

Carbon dioxide is a trace gas (0.04%) in the atmosphere. We exhale it when we breathe and depend upon it for all plant growth. Many scientists and agronomists agree that even doubling or tripling the atmosphere's Carbon Dioxide wouldn't significantly impact the Earth's climate or temperature. At least 90% of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere are due to water vapor and clouds. William Harper, Professor Emeritus at Princeton University, in testimony to the Senate in 2009, explained that ..." the current warming period began about 1800 at the end of the little ice age, long before there was an appreciable increase of carbon dioxide." (Marc Morano, The Politically Correct Guide to Climate Change, Regnery Publishing, 2018.)

Atmospheric scientist Robert Scotto has said, "Based on the laws of physics, the effect on the temperature of man's contribution to atmospheric Carbon Dixoide levels is minuscule and indiscernible from the natural variability caused in large part by changes in solar energy output. Carbon Dioxide may have a small effect on global temperatures, but the sun has a much larger one." Dr. Nir Shaviv, an award-winning Israeli astrophysicist, critiqued the UN-IPCC report in 2013 for failing to recognize the power of the sun and how it relates to climate change. (Marc Morano, Climate Change, Regeny Publishing 2018)

The truth is that there are so many factors that affect climate change, way beyond the effect of Carbon Dioxide. The sun, volcanos, plate tectonics, atmospheric dust, cosmic rays, and forest fires. We know that the world revolves around the sun but not in a fixed elliptical orbit. As it revolves, it tilts and rotates on its axis. School textbooks tell us that it tilts at 23.5 degrees, but science knows the tilt is continually altering and affecting climate change. The sun has a much larger effect on climate change than the burning of fossil fuels.

For over 100 years, science has known about these changes but not the general public. These changes in orbit and rotation are now known as the Milankovitch effect and are generally accepted by scientists worldwide. The effects were not entered as variables in reports on climate change models funded and written by the UN-IPCC. (The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science, Tim Ball, Stairway Press, 2014.)A basic assumption about human-caused climate change is that an increase in Carbon Dioxide will cause the temperature to increase. The corrupt assumption that burning fossil fuels is the villain has not been substantiated. Every record shows that temperature increases before Carbon Dioxide. In other words, when it gets hotter, Carbon Dioxide levels then rise.

Despite this, the UN-IPCC climate reports and their public relations personnel have deliberately misled the world about the nature and cause of climate change for their political agenda, the reorganization of the world's economies, governmental structures, and wealth redistribution. The success of the climate hysterical radicals like Gore, AOC, and the Hollywood elitists, results from the public at large lack of knowledge of the extent and nature of climate change. Thank you, corrupt media, teachers, and the loss of our free press. The adage, "A Little Bit of Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing." has come to life.

The radical activists' solution to carbon dioxide emissions is to ban fossil fuels from use throughout the world and transition to other energy sources like wind, solar, water, which seems simple. The largest consumer of fossil fuels is automobiles. The second is the production of electricity generation in homes and businesses, and the last is the manufacture of a wide variety of personal and household products. California, probably the most liberal state, has led the nation in adopting as law the provisions of "The Green New Deal" energy plan being extensively promoted by the Gang of Four. California has effectively banned the use of all gas-powered cars, except those powered by electricity (EVs), by 2035. General Motors recently announced it also intends to stop manufacturing gas-powered cars to meet, what it believes, are impending governmental regulations.

The transformation from a standard car to an EV ..." is a swap from using a liquid as the primary energy source to a melange of solid materials. A single EV battery weighs in at about 1,000 pounds. Its fabrication requires digging up roughly 500,000 pounds of materials somewhere. That constitutes a greater-than-ten fold increase in the quantity of materials (liquids) used by a standard car over its entire operating life." (Mark Mills, The Myth of the Green Energy Transition, Washington Examiner October 6, 2020.)

Many of the elements are rare earth elements, where 90% of the world's supply comes from China. The demand for nickel, essential for batteries, is expected to rise over 1500% in the coming decades, and elements such as copper and aluminum have additional scarcity and economic consequences. The mining industry uses large quantities of oil to generate electricity in remote areas where mining takes place. Building alternate sources of power like solar panels and wind turbines require at least ten times the number of materials building conventional oil and gas-powered energy plants.

Today America imports 90% of solar panels and 80% of key components for wind turbines. That means that it would be cheaper to manufacture EVs overseas than in the US because of the reality of supply chain economics. This means the loss of manufacturing jobs to China and other Asian countries where raw materials are found. The raw materials the United States has in abundance, for alternate sources of power, are gravel and concrete. "Lastly, it is estimated that it can take the equivalent of 80 to 300 barrels of oil to fabricate a battery that can hold a quantity of energy equivalent to only one barrel of oil." (Mark Mills, The Myth of the Great Energy Transition, Washington Examiner, 10/6/20.)

Thanks to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Al Gore (The Gang of Four), together with the UN-IPCC, China stands at the edge of a financial bonanza. AOC, Sanders, Harris, and the IPCC (composed of Marxists and leftists), with Al Gore, the frontman, or "snake oil" salesperson, are leading the charge to ban fossil fuel cars.

Of course, this is the impetus to achieve the political goal of wealth redistribution and the change in the economy, particularly the free enterprise system.

For the United States, the practical effect of adopting the "Green New Deal" would cripple our energy independence and increase our national debt ten-fold due to the large quantities of imports of green machine hardware and components. Sanders and Cortez openly advocate a ban on fracking and new oil exploration. A recent article in the Washington Examiner of 2/2021 by Stephen Moore points out that Fossil fuels provide almost 80% of our energy supply. In contrast, wind and solar together provide less than 5%, Hydro the balance. Nuclear energy, the cleanest electricity producer, is slowly being phased out because of environmental opposition.

It is important to note that, like time, electricity cannot be stored or saved. Like time, electricity can be optimized when produced, but it cannot be stored like fossil fuel and used later. Solar, wind production is available only when it is produced or generated. The danger of the direction the current administration is taking will reduce our energy independence, raise prices at all levels, and still not produce any tangible result to affect climate. Still, it will have negative effects on the environment.

China, Russia, and OPEC will then reap all the benefits while our energy self sufficient economy goes down the drain. In his article, Moore points out that China and India are building more than 100 coal plants as we shut down ours. China has tripled its construction of nuclear plants. (Biden Wants to Kill 80% of US Energy, Stephen Moore, Washington Examiner, 2/2/21.)

By every scientific method, UN-IPCC climate models and predictions have failed. Interestingly climate activists initially "predicted" dire results. When they didn't occur, they changed their predictions to projections. Predictions on a decline of Polar Bears, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events are falling short of predictions. Our Earth's geologic history destroys any attempt to join the human consumption of fossil fuels as a Carbon Dioxide producer and a major threat to humanity.

Richard Strong, a leader in the Club of Rome, said, " Isn't the hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" (Dr. Tim Ball, The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science, Stairway Press, 2014.) The easiest way to accomplish the demise of the industrialized civilizations is to cut off their energy supply. Show that their energy use is causing irreparable climate damage, and you can demand alternative energy replacements. That, in a nutshell, is the objective of the "Green New Deal."

A US Senate report shows comparison shows solar power will be 173% more expensive per unit of energy delivered by traditional coal power, 140% more expensive than nuclear and natural gas power. Wind power is 42% more expensive than nuclear and gas power. The report also notes that the "capacity factor" or availability to supply power is about 33%, which means that 67% of the time, wind and solar cannot supply power and must be supplemented by nuclear, gas, oil or coal, traditional sources of electrical power generation.

Again our country and the world are being exploited and blackmailed due to the conspiracy of a biased press, media, leftist politicians, and environmental radicals, who knowingly ignore scientific evidence, and deliberately corrupt scientific results. When asked why he changed his opinion, the noted economist John Maynard Keys replied, "When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do sir?" Jairam Ramesh, former Indian Environmental Minister, wrote in the 6/9/11 Indian Express: "Indian Scientists must undertake more studies and publish them vigorously to prevent India and other developing countries from being led by their noses by Western (climate) scientists who have less than a scientific agenda and more of a political agenda." (Deliberate Corruption of
Climate Science, Dr. Tim Ball, Stairway Press, 2014.)

The corruption of these liberal hucksters and Hollywood hysterics to accomplish their socialist move is appalling and must be stopped. Patrick Wilson, a Greenpeace co-founder, once said, "it doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true." The hired spin doctors or PR men of left-wing or progressive climate science practice politics, not science, orchestrate deceptions, manipulate facts, and produce cover-ups. They created a climate crisis and used it to bring about a global economic and political change to industrialized nations. They organized a deceptive fraud on the public.

Two informative books, The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science by Dr. Tim Ball and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change by Marc Morano, should be a must-read for citizens and politicians.

Republicans and Conservatives must stay informed and united to combat our economy's destruction under the guise of scientific reasoning. Last and most important free democracy must at all cost recapture an independent free transparent press. We must restore the independent use of the internet and eliminate the centralized control of social media networks. Without the free exchange and publication of truthful and supportable information, our democracy is dead.

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