We Need You to Support NR’s Work

Please consider donating to National Review.

May 23 2018



Dear NR Friend,

I assume that you are with us, dear reader, because you appreciate what we do and want us to keep doing it. If so, I urge you to pitch in to our Spring 2018 fundraising drive to support our work.

If you like your conservatism lively, thoughtful, funny, intelligent, unafraid of debate (both with the other side and, when warranted, among ourselves), we are here for you.

If you need an antidote to the latest media frenzy, like the one over the last few months that valorized every platitude about gun control uttered by Parkland, Fla. students, we've got one.

If you want to know what to make of the latest story out of the Mueller probe or associated controversies, we have Andy McCarthy writing about it almost every day, in must-read analysis followed by everyone—left, right, or center—interested in this debate.

If you believe that conservatism needs to be concerned with higher and deeper things than the current news cycle, that maintaining our civilization depends on a knowledge of its philosophical and historical underpinnings, well, we ground our work on those foundations.

I don't think there is a collection of writers anywhere else who are as consistently interesting, witty and challenging as ours, who know so much about such a wide range of topics, and who are as dedicated to this country and its greatness.

I learn from them every day, and I hazard to guess that you do, too. That's why I'm asking that you pitch in to help keep our enterprise afloat. Whether it's a $1,000 or $25, it is deeply appreciated and makes a difference.

The usual disclaimer: We are not owned by a Sugar Daddy, and never have been. Yes, Bill Buckley had a limo and a high-flying lifestyle, but he was never of the means to float a perpetually in-the-red opinion magazine (something only extremely wealthy people do, and they almost always grow tired of it eventually). We have always depended on our readers for support and, because of that, maintained a cussed editorial independence free of the diktat and whims of a sole owner.

We wouldn't have it any other way, but it does mean that we need to push and cajole and occasionally guilt you (I'm looking at you, Jack Fowler) into helping us, if you can. Believe me, these fundraising drives give us no pleasure. We'd prefer to publish our regularly scheduled product for your edification and enjoyment, but for us, this is the price of doing business.

Again, any amount makes a difference. We have heavy hitters who come out of nowhere to donate $1,000 or more to these drives; we have devoted readers on tight budgets who still gives us $50. We are grateful for every penny of it.

We have an ambitious goal of raising $210,000. We want to defer the cost of our re-design, which has delivered a cleaner, speedier website. And to pay for our news-writing team that has added up-to-the-minute news to our battery of opinion pieces on the home page.

We have made progress toward our goal, but are still short. If you haven't already made a donation, please consider helping us out now, here. It's only with your support that we keep the lights on, and keep publishing the writers that make National Review what it is.


Rich Lowry

national review

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