Remembering the ‘Problematic’ Bre Payton

Dec 31, 2018

Good morning from Washington. The Daily Signal relies upon the support of hundreds of thousands of readers just like you to bring you unbiased, independent journalism that the liberal left doesn't want you to read. We cannot bring you unrivaled groundbreaking journalism, investigative reporting, nor sound analysis of conservative policies without your help. Our year-end fundraising goal will provide us with the resources we need to continue to bring you the daily news and information that you value so much. Will you give a special year-end gift to help keep The Daily Signal strong in 2019, and for years to come?

If you want to honor Bre's memory, her family has set up the "Bre Payton Scholarship Fund in loving memory of Bre's beautiful light, joyful spirit, hard-working ethics, and compassionate heart."
When it comes to looking after the nation's checkbook, the lackluster efforts of politicians in 2018 have decidedly moved us backward.
Wisconsin's public-sector unions were calling for Walker's political head. Some wanted more. They threatened his job, his life, his family.
Had the president not issued this executive order, federal workers would have received a 2.1 percent across-the-board pay increase.
"Identity politics is nothing more than lazy, nonspecific, categorization thinking rather than addressing each and every matter in its specific context without the racial, gender, heritage, or social-economic overtones," writes Craig Swenson.

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