NR Daily: A Vatican-Based Bishop Extols China

Despite the media and blogosphere attention he attracts, Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, a 75-year-old Argentine who is chancellor of various pontifical academies, is a small-bore bit player in the current drama of what friends and critics alike regard as an increasingly dysfunctional Vatican. Yet when someone of even his relative insignificance announces that "right now, those who are best implementing the social doctrine of the Church are the Chinese," that dysfunction comes into sharp relief — and a correction of the record is imperative ...

February 08 2018


A Vatican-Based Bishop Extols China

George Weigel

Despite the media and blogosphere attention he attracts, Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, a 75-year-old Argentine who is chancellor of various pontifical academies, is a small-bore bit player in the current drama of what friends and critics alike regard as an increasingly dysfunctional Vatican. Yet when someone of even his...


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