NR Daily: Keep Newt’s Old Seat in GOP hands

Tuesday's special election in Georgia's sixth congressional district will decide whether Republican Karen Handel or Democrat Jon Ossoff occupies the seat once held by former House speaker Newt Gingrich. Former House Budget Committee chairman Tom Price, M.D. recently vacated GA-6 to become health and human services secretary. This constituency has been Republican since November 1978. If Democrats capture this reliably GOP territory, the Left will scream: "Republicans beware: Trump is political poison!" Squishy GOP senators and congressmen will race for the tall grass, as ambitious Democratic challengers head in after them ...

June 20 2017


Keep Newt's Old Seat in GOP hands

Deroy Murdock

Tuesday's special election in Georgia's sixth congressional district will decide whether Republican Karen Handel or Democrat Jon Ossoff occupies the seat once held by former House speaker Newt Gingrich. Former House Budget Committee chairman Tom Price, M.D. recently vacated GA-6 to become health and human services...


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Resisting the Divorce Momentum

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Editor's note: Michael and Diane Medved will be appearing with Jay Nordlinger in Seattle on Wednesday night, hosted by the Discovery Institute. Tickets are available here. Don't Divorce:...

The Sickening Attack on Otto Warmbier Is Symbolic of the Left's Hate Problem

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Yesterday, as news of Otto Warmbier's sad and tragic death spread across the Web, a number of people on Twitter recalled and reposted a series of leftist hot takes on Warmbier's initial arrest...


Mother Jones Smears Progressive Talk-Show Host Dave Rubin for Daring to Interview...

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Dave Rubin, the gay, progressive host of The Rubin Report, has become the Left's latest victim of smearing-by-association, his character having been contorted in Josh Harkinson's recent Mother...

The Inside Story or William F. Buckley Jr.'s Crusade against the John Birch Society

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What Conservatives and Libertarians Should Learn from Grenfell

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The fire that consumed Grenfell Tower last Wednesday was an unimaginable sort of horror. Parents threw children out of windows to onlookers below; entire households perished; there are reports...


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